Sirius Black... | 03

Start from the beginning

Percy looked up at him with slight curiosity, "Percy... who are you anyway? How did you know her?" He asked.

"My name is Sirius, she was my sister, I've been trying to find her for years..." the man replied with a slight sadness in his voice, Percy's eyes widened slightly in recognition of the name.

His mother used to tell him stories of her brothers, Sirius and Regulus, how they never treated her like the rest of her family. How kind they were, they always looked up at her seeing as she was their older sister. She was closer to Sirius however, she always felt the need to protect him from Walburga and Orion. That was until she was casted out the family by their parents when she was 11.

He met Regulus on multiple occasions when he was a boy, he used to visit every week for a couple of years until one day he stopped coming.

"She told me about you... you can come in if you want, I'm sure you wanna hear about her" Percy said, his voice softer than before and Sirius nodded with a small smile.

The boy stepped aside to let the man in and closed the door behind the two of them.

They each sat across from each other in the living room, it was silent for the first few minutes until Sirius decided to speak.

"Is your father here?" He asked, he had looked around, noticing how eerily quiet and empty the small apartment was.

"No, my dad left before I was born, it was just me and my mother, I've had two stepdads... both dead" Percy replied and Sirius looked at the boy sorrowfully.

"I'm sorry Percy" the man said and Percy looked down at his hands.

"She told me stories about you when I was younger you know" Percy said and Sirius looked up at the boy with a smile, a look in his eyes of unexpectedness.

"She used to always say how much alike we were, she really looked up to you" he said, looking up at his uncle who smiled sadly.

"What was she like?" He asked and the ghost of a smile found its way to Percy's face.

"She was the kindest woman to ever walk the earth, she put up with so much bullshit but always found a way to smile at the end of the day" Perch explained as tears began to fill his eyes.

"How did she pass?" Sirius asked.

"It was my fault, if I had been here I could've saved her... she was killed along with her husband, Paul" Percy replied as he looked over at the blood stained floor, Sirius followed his gaze and his breath hitched slightly once he saw it.

He knew it must've been somewhat recent, he also knew it wasn't his nephews fault no matter how much the boy seemed to believe so.

"Percy... it wasn't your fault" Sirius said with a saddened frown. It pained him to think that Percy had been alone in that tiny little compartment, truly thinking he was the reason for his mothers death.

"No it was, the only reason she's dead is because they wanted to get to me, I knew something was wrong, I felt it but I didn't do anything" Percy said, his voice held a certain raw brokenness to it that anyone who heard it would be able to identify it.

"You know who killed her?" Sirius asked, he knew that something else was going on.

Percy knew he couldn't tell the man about his godly heritage, though he also knew the man was a wizard and so was Percy. American wizards knew of Gaia, she was well known, she tried to conquer the wizarding world as her own but they fought back.

"She went by the name Gaia, she's very well known in the American wizarding world, she could've put Voldemort to shame. I made enemies with her, she decided to start a war, one that could've wiped out just about everyone in existence. When the war broke out, many people fought and many died, she was destroyed in the end, though it came with a great price, most people died" Percy explained and Sirius listened in shock.

"You fought in this war?" Sirius asked, thinking his nephew couldn't be any older than 18, Percy nodded numbly in response.

"Have you been living here alone?" He asked and Percy nodded once again.

"Percy... what age are you?" Sirius asked and Percy looked up at the man, he supposed he did look young but he felt so much older.

"16, in a month" he replied, his uncle frowned slightly, no 16 year old should have to live alone, especially after losing their mother and going through a whole war.

"I know you don't know me all that well, but I'm still your uncle, you can come live with me if you like, in London, you can even go to Hogwarts, my godson goes, he'll be joining 5th year in September" Sirius said and Percy looked up at the man with slightly confusion. He was willing to take him in? Even after finding out how death follows him, even after seeing how broken he is?

Percy was perplexed, he figured maybe British people were just unnaturally kind. He considered the man's offer, he desperately wanted to leave this apartment, everything just reminded him of his mother, but then again he didn't want his bad luck to end up killing his uncle. Though Gaia was gone, she couldn't hurt anyone he cared about anymore.

With that in mind he looked up at the man and gave a hesitant nod, to which Sirius smiled at.


Hehehe Sirius is here lads, from here on, there will be a lot of Sirius content n stuff so strap in, it's going to be a bumpy ride

Word Count: 1600

- M.L.B.

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