"Stop this Crystal," Lucas said, I spun around and jutted my sword forward. "You are better than this," Lucas said. 

I landed a hit on his arm. "What do you know about me?" I yelled. 

Lucas raised his sword and swung at me. "Come on Crystal, You're like an open book, you act like a child a lot, you lack the emotional development of a teenager let alone someone in their 20s," he said. 

"LUCAS LOOK OUT!" Elisabeth called, we both turned just in time for a white blast to smash into us. I was stunned unable to move, Lucas in an ever-annoying way many of the defenders of the truth did land in something Charlie had once called a superhero landing.

a fairly tall person, in a suit of white armour that dimly glowed. I can see this person once before, in the visions of the attack on the witch's coven. the arm cannon lowered towards me. "Well, if it isn't the defender's leader and the undead bitch," they said, getting close to me. "why would he move planets to save you?" They asked.

I was still unable to move when the attacker turns from me to Lucas. "let me guess you're going to try to fight me?" They asked. 

Lucas pointed his sword at them. "You attacked me, that was your mistake," He said.

the attacker raised their arm and another white energy blasted, it slammed Lucas back, and he landed next to Elisabeth. she dropped to her boyfriend's side. "Don't worry he'll be fine in a few hours," 

the attacker turned back to me, their arm cannon charging. "Who...Who are you?" I asked as my movement started to return.

"my name...my name means nothing anymore, my history gone," they answered. "But you can call me the Arcane Knight," They answered. 

the Arcane knight's arm cannon was about to fire, when Wolf slammed into them, suddenly in her power armour. she used her strength to knock the arm cannon away from me. I stood and took in the world around me.

and slowly turned to Elisabeth, using a radio to talk to someone, and I raised my sword. 

POV Elisabeth

"Wolf be careful! You're armour's still not working probably!" I yelled to her, I looked down at Lucas. I pulled the radio out. "Hello? anyone there?" I asked. 

a few moments of quiet, then. "Hello?" I felt my heart sink, they were two voices I really didn't want to hear, Alex and Ember and the voice that came through was Ember. 

"Ember, it's Elisabeth we have a problem, I need you to listen very carefully to me," I started. 

"What's wrong?" Ember asked. 


"No need to yell, but I can't get Azura, She's not here," Ember said. 

"Okay, Okay, Well we're going to die," I said, I looked up as Crystal started to approach me, "I'll have to get back to you Ember," 

I put my radio down and raised my two daggers, "really Elisabeth? that's not going to stop me," She said oddly calmly. 

"I have to try," I answered. 

Crystal launched a lightning bolt at me, "Death my name be Crystal," I mumbled. when an Arcane shield appeared around me and Lucas. Gwendolyn appearing. 

"Hello Crystal," she said, Meeps and Razer with her. 

POV Crystal 

the three people I possible hated the most right now, Meeps was the reason Charlie wasn't here, Gwendoly, one of those who helped raised me, kept me in that circle of hurt and pain in the legion. 

Then Razer oh so good Razer, Better than me in every way, why did he ever want me back from the dead I don't know, and his hatred towards Charlie was always just mean, I want to kill him so much right now! 

"Crystal, please stop this," Meeps said. the young A.I took a  step toward me. "it's not too late," She added. 

'It's a trap, it has to be after what I've done there is no way they would forgive me,' Meeps took another step towards me, and I launched a lightning bolt towards her. "LIER! THAT'S ALL YOU ARE!" I yelled 

the arcane shield appeared again. saving Meeps from the bolt, "CRYSTAL STOP!" Gwendoly yelled. "You were never like this, not even when it came to the Entity," 

I turned to her, "THE SAME ENTITY THAT BEAT ME WHEN I SPOKE OUT OF LINE! THE SAME ENTITY THAT YOU WOULD WATCH BEAT ME!" I yelled at her.  Gwendoly looked down out of shame.

"Crystal, let us help you, I've gone through something like this, please let us help you," Razer said. 

I didn't speak I didn't act but unleashed a lightning bolt at him. Gwendoly didn't have a chance to block this one slammed into Razer, knocking off his feat, "No wait, I...Ahhhhh," I opened a portal leaving through it.

I was back in the war room. then I felt it again, and the purple energy started to pulsate off my body, and I fell to my knees as it hurt so much screaming out in pain. 

POV Elisabeth

"How did you three know we were in trouble?" I asked the three lifting the hurt Lucas. 

"Ember told us, Gwendoly teleported us here," Razer answered. 

"Clearly I haven't given him enough credit," I mumbled, then Wolf smashed into the ground her armour's visor was cracked, she weakly got to her feet, "The other problem," I said pointing to Arcane knight.

"You let her get away, that makes my job harder, Hello all of you, shame none of my fr...none of these I know are here," They said. 

"You again?" Razer asked. 

"Hello again Razer, it wasn't very nice of you to destroy my time machine, you know how hard it is to fix that?" they asked. 

"Who are you?" Meeps asked. 

the Arcane Knight scoffed. "You couldn't understand my truth, none of you could," They said. the air rippled. "This time I leave, next time you all cross my path, your friendship with him will not save you," they disappeared into the rippled air. 

"What the Fu.." Razer was cut short when Wolf fell forward. her amour making her smash against the floor. "I think we need to get back to Frostbourne," He said. 

I sighed. "We never should of left the Sanctuary," I mumbled. Gwendoly cast a teleport spell and sent us all to Frostbourne. Once I got Lucas and wolf saw to I went to have a chat with Razer maybe he could catch me up. 

then I ran into a netherkin, One I knew slightly, I had seen him attacking the defender's kingdom all the way back when this all truly started. "Okay, I'm going to lay down," 

The forsaken (Rainimator book4)Where stories live. Discover now