51 - Where impoliteness runs in the family

Start from the beginning

Jaemin tilted his chin up and gave him a smouldering look through his lashes. "If you thought that was me flirting hard, you haven't seen anything yet, honey."

Renjun stared back at him, expressionless. "Stop that."

Over his shoulder, Jisung eyed Jaemin's flirty face disapprovingly before returning back to the matter at hand and turning back to Renjun. "So, if everything is settled now, are you and Chaewon officially dating now?"

Jaemin's excessively provocative look was replaced with a grimace and Haechan let out an odd, high-pitched "eeh" sound that reminded Renjun of a leaking balloon. Apparently, they, unlike Jisung, remembered what was the actual hindrance to why Renjun barely agreed to even acknowledge his feelings.

"I'm still supposed to get married with another person if I can't find a way out of it", he reminded the youngest member, trying not to sound too stern. "And we shouldn't forget that Chaewon isn't a doubler, so it would never work anyway." Stating it aloud made him feel hollow.

Jaemin's eyes narrowed.

"The first part of your reasoning is valid", Haechan approved while looking at his nails. He was still standing next to the door, probably because Renjun hadn't let go of the chair even though he had lowered it already. "The second part? Not so much."

Renjun eyed him, not happy with the tone of his voice. "I wouldn't have expected such judgmental words from a guy who couldn't name half of the girls he has dated even if his life depended on it."

"Renjun!" Jaemin sounded like a mother.

Haechan, on the other hand, barely scoffed. He finally crossed the room just to pat Renjun's head dismissively. "Aw, are you that upset that I forced you to face what you're really feeling?"

Renjun knew that if he went for a physical attack, Haechan would jump into his otter form and run away. If he still had the connection to the wolf, he would've already gone for his roommate's throat but in his human form he would never catch the otter.

"Don't you ever get bored of prying in other people's lives?" he spat out.
Haechan grinned. "Nah. It's what keeps me going."

"That's enough, Haechan-ah." Jaemin stood up and threw his arm over Haechan's shoulder. "Stop annoying him just for your own amusement."

Renjun heard his phone go off in the kitchen and, before leaving, gave Haechan and Jaemin one more glare. "Play tricks with me one more time and I will chop your heads off."

As he was leaving the room to check his phone, Renjun heard Jisung wince even though he wasn't threatening him.

From: Chaewon
To: Renjun
I FOEUND IT! GRamma's piece of the addresspaperthing was in her diari!! OMG u will be dog again soon
Sorry no i mean wolf hehe~

Renjun's lips twitched. Chaewon appeared to be so excited that her success rate at spelling was even worse than usual but somehow it was very endearing to Renjun even though he generally wasn't fond of spelling mistakes.

When he was rereading the message for the third time, he finally registered what its contents meant.

They were in possession of three out of four pieces of the address that would take them to the cure.

Chaewon was right. If everything went well, he might be reunited with the wolf soon.


"Are you dumb?" Renjun asked from Chaewon when the girl pushed a piece of paper on his face while he was driving to his family's home. She was practically jumping up and down on the passenger's seat, her eyes glimmering like droplets of water on a sunny day, and she had barely let Renjun say anything after they met up in front of her house.

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