I gave her the rundown leaving out the part where I'm her daughters student.

"You look young, how did you and my daughter meet?" She asked and my eyes widened but quickly went back to normal.

Watching yoncé quickly tip out the room i was left to answer the question alone.

"Well..." I started and she stopped me there.

"If my math is right that lands you in high school or just graduated which means.." she trailed off with a unreadable look on her face.

"You're her student, how did that even happen? I mean It seems pretty genuine just be careful not everyone will be as understanding as me"


After about thirty more minutes of just pure bonding time mama tina left the house and in swooped beyoncé.

"So, how was itttt?" She dragged out nestling her head into my chest.

"It went really good actually, I mean I wasn't expecting to meet her on such short notice but it went really nice." I told her and she nodded smiling.

"Let's binge watch movies all day" she suggested and i agreed settling for "red notice"

After a long five movies and about two naps we both decided we did enough lazing around to last a life time.

"Let's go on a late night drive" i said out of nowhere, i was a sucker for intimate conversations and late night drives.

"Yeah, come on let's go" she said walking off to get her things.

I went to get my purse and came back down the stairs before my foot could touch the bottom stair, bey quickly scooped me up.

"Giselle I don't even have my shoes on, wait" I giggled as she brung me towards the door holding me bridal style.

"You don't need them, I can carry you come on" she said closing and locking the door behind her.

"This bitch strong as hell" I thought to myself as she placed me down in the passenger seat of her car.

We drove and talked about anything that came to mind before she finally stopped at this lot that looked over the river.

"Girl what is that?" She asked looking at me with her eyes squinted.

"Girl what does it look like?" I asked as I continued what I was doing.

"Is that weed? Omg-" she started and I cut her a look telling her to shut up and let me do what I was doing.

She watched me roll up, the low music in the back keeping the both of us company.

Truth be told I had always wanted to get beyoncé high. I knew that her personality was bubbly as is so I knew her under the influence was a different story.

I turned over to her as I sealed the blunt with my tongue, watching her eyes turn a different shade than before.

"That was..." she trailed off wrapping her hand around my throat bringing me in for a sloppy kiss.

I pulled back and lit up the blunt before taking a long pull from it and motioning her to come here.

Blowing the smoke in her mouth and watching her inhale it and blowing it out had to be one of the most sexiest things she'd ever done.

We passed it back and forth before it was to small to smoke from before tossing it out the window I turned back over to bey who's eyes were very low.

"I have something to show you and I know if I was sober I wouldn't be doing this but just.. listen" she said pulling out her phone going to search for whatever it was.

Soon I heard the intro to a song I don't recall ever hearing before. (Song in the media)

You've got me...
You've got me...
You've got me...
You've got me speechless...

"Oh my gosh beyoncé is that you singing?" I asked grinning as wide as possible.

"Shhh, yes honey it's me now pay attention" she said grabbing my hand.

Where you been, baby?
Waited for you all day
Waited for you to use the key
That opens my place

My heart starts trembling
As I hear your footsteps pace
Lock opened, doorknob turned
There appeared your face

Going outta my head I think I'm loosing all my mind
Drive me crazy burning candles making love all night
Feels so strange it feels so crazy to be in your world
In your arms lost for words
You've got me...!

For the remainder of the song she held eye contact with me as she sung along softly to the lyrics, by the end of the song my heart was about to jump out my chest.

"I love you baby girl" she said turning down the music all the way as another song came on.

"I love you too, you really made a song for me? We locked in for life now huh?" I joked, squeezing her hand.

"Girl been that! I wrote it and recorded it at the house one night I couldn't sleep after like our fourth time having sex. Before then I had known I was in love with you but it had really put the icing on the cake.

I stayed up until six in the morning editing and finishing the song all together. I know we're so young and it hasn't even been a year but I love you like I've known you my whole life." She said, the both of us now had tears streaming down our faces.

"Words can't even explain how much I appreciate you like I don't even know what to say" I trailed off watching the moons reflection on the water.

"The feelings mutual, bet you didn't even know I had a home studio. What did you think that room that's always locked was?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I really have no idea, I thought maybe a supply closet" i said as she drove off.

Something deep down inside told me that loving someone so hard was dangerous but i myself had no care in the world, our love was evident and I was confident it would stay as such.

That's by far one of my favorite songs by her so I had to find a way to insert it into the book lmao, hope you enjoyed <3!

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