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"You said you'd keep yourself safe."
"I did, and I Am."
"Then why are you all bandaged up? AGAIN!!"
"Look.. Izu, I'm completely fine. It was just a small mistake."
"Mistake my ass"

Izuku sighs as he takes Chizome's hands in his and places a gentle kiss.
"Since you don't seem to have any plans to keep yourself safe, I'll do it myself."
"I'm sorry.."
"No. Don't apologize, 'cause you aren't gonna be happy with what I'm about to do."

Chizome looks at his lover with confused eyes.
A black haired man enters the room and walks up to them.
"Yes sir?"
"Lock him up. Make sure he's safe, if I find even a single hair harmed, it's not going to be pretty."

Ilya gulps as he noods to the glare Izuku sends him and knocks Chizome out. He orders some of his men to carry him to his room as Izuku walks back to his desk.

"Yes Sir?"
"Find out who hurt Chizome and bring him to me."
"Should we kill him?"
"No. Keep him alive.

For now."

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