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"Who said I cared about you?" Ichika's face held a blank expression with little to no emotion in her voice.


"You heard me. Who said I ever cared about you?" She repeated, annoyance slipping through her tone.

"B-but.. You were so kind to me and treated me like a friend after Yonaga-San and Chabashira-Chan-" Himiko stuttered with tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.

"So? I felt sorry for you. I cheered you up and acted like a friend to you out of pity Yumeno-Chan." Ichika sneered and looked down on the redhead.

"Ichika-" The mage was cut off as Ichika walked passed her with her head held high.

"Don't call me that. Don't even call me Aki-San, Akiyama-San will do for you."

"B-but-" Himiko started as she felt her body tremble.

"Pffft, hahaha!" Ichika held her stomach as she cackled and wiped a non-existent tear away and turned to Himiko, lifting her chin up between her finger and thumb.

"You don't get it do you? I used your vulnerability and kindness, for my own gain. I pitied you just for a minute and you were right in my hands, I pulled the rug from under your feet at the moment you were desperate and in need for me Yucchan.." She had a sinister look and grin on her face, watching Himiko's tears falling down her cheeks with a look of betrayal.

"I used you because I could. You are nothing to me.." Ichika spoke lowly knowing full well that as soon as she said that Himiko would break to her limit. She could practical see the cracks on Himiko's body and connect to each other, shattering in the process, leaving Himiko broken. Himiko Yumeno had reached her limit, leaving a empty shell of the mage.

Ichika walked away leaving stunned Himiko standing there with no care in the world. As she walked away, Ichika hugged herself tightly. She didn't mean what she said to Himiko, she didn't want to say that but the parkourist had no choice. If she had let Himiko stay around her, she couldn't risk losing someone she cared about so much.

That's why...

When they came at her, she held no fight. She had driven the person she cared about the most out of her life. the person she loved, so what was the point fighting and not wanting to die? She felt a sword pierce through the middle of her chest. A sad smile was on her lips as she collapsed to her knees and sat down, feeling her breathing slow down. She heard footsteps retreating away from her and a pair coming towards her.

"ICHIKAAAA!" Ichika's head snapped up to see Himiko in a fit of tears running towards her.

"Y-Yucchan..?" She croaked out, feeling blood drip from her mouth.
The wound wasn't deep but it was still fatal.

"W-Why didn't you tell me..?! You just left me there hurt, when you was in pain yourself.. You idiot! ..If you had just told me why you pushed me away.. Why you pushed everyone away, I would have tried to help you..!" Himiko sobbed and cupped Ichika's cheeks. Ichika chuckled lowly and looked at Ichika in the eyes.

"W-who told you that..?"


"Of course he d-did.."


Himiko stood there and sat down looking at the ground with a blank expression, not even caring to lift her head up as she heard footsteps approach her. Kokichi stood beside her looking down at the mage with a pout, before placing his hands on his hips.

"Hey you lazy bum! Get up and go after her already!" He whined as he bent his back, hovering over her. She stayed quiet for a moment before speaking up lowly.

"What's the point..? She used me Ouma-Kun, why should I run after someone who I thought was my friend, but used me and didn't care..?" She looked up at him with dull eyes not even flinching at how close Kokichi's face was to hers.

"Because she lied. She did care you idiot."

"How do you-"

"I'm a liar, of course I know if someone is lying or not. I watched her walk away from you and she looked sad. If you still think of her as a friend, go after her, if you don't she will die regretting everything~"

"She'll die?!" Himiko immediately scrambled to her feet and glared at him.


"She did something bad to them as payback for something they did in the past, so now they are coming to kill her for whatever deed she did to them. Well that's what- HEY YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME FINISHHH!" Kokichi then yelled out to her, as she ran in the direction Ichika had gone.

End of flashback

"Why didn't you you tell me Ichika..?
Did you even mean the things you said, or was it true?" Himiko's voice was low as she cradled Ichika in her small arms.

"Of course it wasn't, why would I say such bullshit to someone I love..?"

"Love? You love me..?" Ichika could only nod as she coughed up blood.

"Ah! Hospital, I need to get you to a hospital!" Himiko fumbled and quickly dialed 119. Himiko watched the girl get pulled into an ambulance before kissing her forehead with a soft smile.

"I love you too you.."


906 words

Ichika Oneshots for Eevee!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora