The Hospital

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(Art belongs to Eevee!)


Darkness was all that was there.. Nothing else... Like nothing else other then darkness, even existed.
Ichika's body felt light, like she was a delicate feather. It seemed as if she was floating. She felt the back of her hair, to feel the tips float upwards. She couldn't comprehend what was happening, but...
She honestly didn't mind this dark void she was in. Even though she knew she would be quickly bored of this void and existence, she wanted to enjoy the peace while it lasted, if it didn't go on for all eternity. For all Ichika knew as a few minutes, her body become tingly as she felt her body float upwards.

'What is this feeling and what is happening-' Ichika's thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched, annoying voice.




'What in the muffins?'

"Heyy-y!" A sudden flash of white, came over the darkness, but only for a second.



"Wake up you stupid head!"

'..Do I have too?..' Ichika grumbles.

"....Heyyyyy... I know y-ur wake.. You can't pret-nd!" The voice whined. She couldn't deny that the voice wasn't familliar to her ears, but she doesn't know who it belonged to.


'Who in the muffins is even telling me to wake up?' She complains as she looks around in the darkness.
'I don't even know how to wake up or whatever!' As soon as her words came out of her mouth, she suddenly felt warmth on her shoulders in the shape of hands. Her body shook back and forth violently, making her feel sick.

"Wak-e uppp-ppp! If you don't wake up I'm gonna keep shaking you!"

'Oh please don't, I feel sick!'
"O-a, st-p, don't! T-hat m-ght fee-l ick!" A voice of concern reached Ichika's ears in a muffled tone.

"Nooo-ooo! No-t wh-n I know s-he can wake up!"

'Okay Ichika, if you wake up, whoever this annoying person is, can stop shaking you. Wake, wake, wake, wake, wake, wake, wake, wake-'

"Wake, wake, wake, wake, wake, wakeeee-ee u-ppppp!" The person shook Ichika so hard that the small girl ended up, not only waking up dizzy, but pushed the person off so hard, that they went flying into the wall behind them, in a flash of purple and white.

"AHHH-!" The voice shriek was cut short as their back hit the wall with a dull but loud thud.

"Ah! O-Ouma-San! Are you okay?!" Another flash of black and bits of cyan, pass Ichika while she was still in her dizzy state. A loud cackle could be heard in the distance.

"Owie! Aki-Chan, that hurt, you broke my back!" Ouma whined as Ichika held onto her head to stop the aching headache, that went on.

"Wow! I wish I had that on video! That was pure gold, suck it you gremlin!"

"Ugh... A.. Am I dead?.." The surroundings around her were bright and blurred. Ouma got up and walked up to Ichika.

"Are you high? You look like you decided to get wasted in a bar, snort some cocaine, and then ended up in a dumpster the next day, all rattled. I would expect that look from Iruma-Chan!" Ouma giggled.

"Shut your trap, you fucking abortion!" A blob of pink, suddenly leaped into Ichika's vision.

"Your not dead Aki-Chan, you just got into a coma." The blur of black and cyan, was in front of her as the blurriness of her eye sight, died down. "Your in a hospital, but the nurses said that, when you wake up, they will check your symptoms and see if you can go home." She could finally tell who the person was in front of her.

Ichika Oneshots for Eevee!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя