What The Fuck

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Thoughts are in Italics
"Boss, it's been over a century." He says in a whiny voice. "If it's been that long stop whining and tell me the big news." I say as I clink his glass to mine.

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What now, it's always something. Every century it's something.
"I don't think we should speak hear Boss." He says. "Why not Aiden." I say while rubbing my forehead. "It's the Casino Of The Gods after all, sir." He says in a whisper. "Okay fire, get up I know a place around here." (Aiden means fire. I forgot in what language)

At the place
I walk into the diner with Aiden at my heels. Macy is at the counter cleaning up. She sees me coming and points to a table. " What you and the gentleman having today Luce?" She asks. "Your cheesecake is always the best Mace and since there's not many people here we get the best." I reply. "You always get the best Luce, coffees on the house." She says as she walks into the kitchen.

"So get on with the story fire." I say at him agitated. It's not his fault,not his fault. "You sure it's safe here Boss." He whispers. "You're a demon for goodness sake, what are you scared of?" I say angered. "And it's Mace's shop, I trust the woman more than that thing on my throne."

"Boss your sentence has been prolonged." He says sad. "I knew that was the case, what else?"

Aiden's pov

When he asks me what else,I literally shivered in my boots. I might look scarier than him but I've always been scared of his power. "What is it fire." He says, clearly impatient. I gulp. The supposed Macy walks in with the food. "Well sir, your soulmate has been felt on Earth." "What?"
"And they are the reason your punishment has been prolonged" I said shrinking away. "Wait what the fuck."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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