Tavros x reader

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 The reader in this story will have anxiety as per request

Tysm for the request

y/n is nonbinary in story

sorry this might be a little ooc

Anyways enjoy :)

your pov:

it was a cloudy day and i was alone in my house 

hoping nothing would happen today, maybe it would rain or something.
my allergies have been acting up recently and so i havent been outside in a while.. i feel like there no reason to really go out anyway since it seems like my "friends" are always busy.

I lay back on my bed, staring up at my ceiling fan on my pink colored ceiling
Maybe I will go out today, just take a walk or something.. Or maybe not, I don't even know anymore..

I felt my thoughts starting to spiral on and on from my original simple thoughts. I get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror and splashing some cool water over my face.
I think i will go outside, maybe just for a couple minutes i'll go back inside if my allergies get bad.

I walked over to the door putting on some simple shoes and rested my hand on the door knob before turning it and stepping outside.

It was bright out and smelled like spring. Surprisingly, there were lots of people and trolls outside, but not near my house. I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath of fresh air, and started to walk down the street.

After maybe 5 or 6 minutes I spotted someone I know, vriska.
I kept walking, hoping she wouldn't recognize me but to my dismay she did. "Hey there kid, where have you been? It's been ages since we've seen each other, huh? I thought you were dead!" she said coming towards me
Silence "hi vriska.."

"That's all you've got? Cmon it's me, your best friend, serket! Didn't you miss me?" she gave me a hard pat on the back while i stayed quiet

"Well, it's such a coincidence i bumped into you here 'cause i was just about to head over to see our dearly beloved friends, and I'm 800% sure youd loooooooove to come with wouldn't you n/n?" she laughed while grabbing my arm and kind of dragging me to wherever she was going.

I stayed quiet as we were walking while she rambled on about whatever, suddenly I started to get nervous. I realized it's been a while since I've seen most of our friends.. What if they don't like me anymore.. I immediately shook that thought off
"Of course they still like you, you've been friends for a long time" i told myself

"Well looky here y/n were here now" vriska stopped dead in her tracks as we got to a big park. I couldn't help but smile thinking about how much fun I had at this park as a kid. We walked in to the park finally seeing two figures i knew i broke away from vriska as she kept walking

As I was approaching Dave and Gamzee I smiled to myself remembering how funny these two are "hi!" I said as I walked over to them.
Gamzee was hanging out of a branch in a tree and Dave was sitting at the foot of the tree "hey dude! We haven't talked in a while, didn't expect to see you here today" dave said smiling
"Well hey there you silly motherfucker um y/n.." gamzee said totally butchering your name while trying to remember it

"So um, what's going on.. Vriska brought me here and you guys are also here so like what's happening?" i asked

"We all decided to hang out.. Didn't we say that in the group chat?" dave said

"Um, what group chat?"


"NO I THOUGHT THEY DIED OR SOMETHING" john yelled back from somewhere i couldn't see him

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