Nothing Between Us

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She'd never been in Jodi's house, nor had she ever interacted with Sam's younger brother Vincent. And much to her surprise, Vincent was as convinced as Sannon that Sebastian was the most amazing person ever, despite how Sebastian never really interacted with people.

"And what makes him so great?"

"He's always adventuring and stuff. It's why Abigail has a crush on him because she wants to be an adventurer as well," Vincent said.

"Wants to be? I thought she was one."

"Oh, no. She's not a part of the adventurers guild like Sebastian is. She gets scared when she tries going down into the caves and needs to be rescued a lot. Sebastian says she's a wannabe adventurer."

"Then why doesn't he help her, huh?"

To which Vincent looked at her as if she'd grown another head, not answering. Sannon sat on the couch next to Mary, hugging her plushie. "Why doesn't he. When I was younger, he helped me in sword training, and he's a good teacher."

"Because Abigail has cooties," Vincent said, giving the most absurd answer possible. Maru shook her head, disbelieving that was the answer she could get from the question, though Sannon didn't push the answer.

She didn't need to, as the creepy little girl Vincent played with suddenly spoke up, making Maru nearly jump out of her skin as she'd not noticed her, nor did she know her name. "That's the nice way of putting it."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Maru sighed.

"Sebastian doesn't like talking about Abigail," Vincent says. "And she's weird, so..."

"She's not any weirder than Sebastian," Maru said, only for Vincent and his friend to look at each other as if they disagreed on whether Abigail was weirder than Sebastian. Jodi came into the room with snacks.

"Well, your mom does talk about how she goes into Sebastian's room without asking him and then doesn't leave when he asks, so she doesn't have respect for his personal space?" Jodi said. "And for the younger kids, that's cooties, if you think about it."

"I guess."

The phone rang, and Maru let out a sigh, wishing Sam hadn't abandoned her with the kids, only instead of Jodi getting the phone, it was him. She tensed, listening to him talk before he came over, a brave face. "Okay, Sannon. You've already figured out something's wrong, right?"

The smiling face of that little girl left, and she looked up at Sam, almost as if she were going to be in tears. "Yes. Is my brother okay?"

"We're going to take a trip to the hospital to see him, but they say he's fine," Sam said.

"Wait," Vincent said. "Who's Sannon's brother?"

"Sebastian," Jodi said.

"But Sebastian is Maru's older brother."

"Maru told me that," Sannon said. "She's his sister through his mom, and I'm his sister through his dad."

Sam sighs at the continued confusion. "Vincent, you know that Maru and Sebastian are half-siblings, right? That they have different dads?"

"But I thought Demetrius is his dad?"


And then the grin came. "I knew that."

"You little!" Sam let out a deep breath. "Why do I put up with you?"

"Because Sebastian would be mad at you if you didn't!" Vincent smiled.

"Little brat."

"Can I go to the hospital too? To see Sebastian?"

"Me too?" said Vincent's little friend.

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