Chapter One.

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You hesitate, would she let you stay with her? You've barley spoken to each other after highschool, you pick up your phone. With shaky hands you tap on her contact name, Scarlett♥️.
As you type you start to regret thinking about the idea. But you needed somewhere to stay, you have no other friends to ask.

Hey Scarlett! How's it going?

Oh hey! It's going 👍 How have you been?

Oh wow, you didn't expect her to reply so quickly. She doesn't seem mad at all.

Same here, wanna grab a coffee some time and catch up? I'm free whenever.

She types.

That sounds great! How about tomorrow at 2pm? Maybe at the Robbinson Café?

Oh good, she's still in town. You think to yourself.

Sounds great, I'll see you then.

You take a deep breath of relief and set your phone down beside you, maybe when you guys meet up you could ask her if you could stay at her house. Just until you find a job and can afford your own place. You lean back on the old motel bed.
The fight was crazy today, after your father saw you getting arrested he lost his shit. Than after bailing you out and driving you home he really laid into you.

"How dare you try to ruin my reputation?! Everyone knows you're my kid, how could you do this to me!" He throws a vase at you, it shatters against the wall, barley missing your head. "So this is how you repay me for raising you all by myself?!"

He pauses.

"If you're not out of my house by tomorrow I'm calling the police."

"W-what?" You stutter.

"You heard me, out. Now!"

The vision plays through your head, you've been meaning to move out anyway. You're 20 afterall.

As your heart calms down, your eyes close. Drifting into sleep.

Robbinson Café 1:56 pm

The Café wasn't too far from the motel you were staying at. Since you didn't have a car yet you had to walk. You open the Café doors, you look around the place. You see Scarlett sitting at the very back table. You slowly walk toward her.
You suddenly get an ache feeling in your stomach, for some reason you always hated asking things from people. Especially if they're your friend. Scarlett notices you, she puts a very friendly smile on her face. Her smile was always so pretty. You sit down in front of her.

"Hey girly! It's been so long since I've seen you. Wow you haven't changed a bit!" She laughs, you laugh nervously.

"Yeah, you've changed quite a bit. In a good way, of course."

"Sure have, the brown hair wasn't doing it for me." She twirls her hair with her finger. Her hair was now Scarlett red, makes sense with her name. Her style has changed too, normally she wouldn't wear skirts but now she is. In highschool she was always insecure about her legs. You're really happy for her.
She brings out her phone and rotates it on the table so you can see the picture.
A rabbit? She's always been afraid of them.

"His name is Charleston."

"Fancy." You say.

"Still rocking the short/long hair I see." She smiles, putting her phone back in her jacket pocket.
"Yeah, it's kinda stuck with me." You smile. Whenever you guys talked it was always a nice conversation. "Want me to order for us?" You ask, standing up.

"Oh yeah, I'll have a black coffee." You give her a thumbs up and walk to the counter.

"Hi welcome to the Robbinson Café, what can I get you?" The cashier asks you.

"A raspberry tea and a black coffee please."

"Okay that'll be 11.69." You hand her a twenty. "Here's your change, what name can I get on that?"

"Y/n." She writes your name on one of the cups.

"Alright, I'll get those right out for you." You nod your head and sit back down in front of Scarlett.

"What did you get?"

"A raspberry tea."

"Ah yes, basic as always."

"Says the one that got plain black coffee." We both laugh. "Hey listen." This is it. You're finally going to ask her.

"Yea y/n?" You both look at each other for a split second before you speak.

"My dad and I got in a fight yesterday."

"Oh no! Is everything okay? What happened?" She holds your hands on the table as she gives you her undivided attention.

"I got a arrested yesterday, and he was not happy about it." You chuckle. Scarlett doesn't speak, luckily for you she had basic manners. "He yelled at me, but this time he threw a vase at me. He missed me, but a shard got me." You point to the cut on your left cheek.

"Hun I'm so sorry, what else happend?"

"He threatened to call the cops if I didn't move out that day. Now I'm staying at a motel."

"Y/n do you need a place to stay? You can stay at my house if you want. It's just me and my rabbit, and I have a guest room you can stay in."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother."

"You won't be a bother I promise," she says as she rubs your hand with her thumb. "We can both pay half the rent, we can we roomates! It'll be fun." You both smile. Guess you didn't have to ask.

"Thank you Scarlett, this means a lot to me."

"It's no problem, we can get your stuff from your motel room today if you want."

"Yeah sure." She let's go of your hands, then the cashier says your name.

"A raspberry tea and a black coffee for y/n!"

You get up again and walk to the counter, grabbing the drinks. As soon as you turn around a man slams into you, making you spill the drinks on both you and him. You back up, noticing how big the mess is.

"Ah fuck!" He yells. You look up at him, the very tall and lanky man looks down at you with sudden rage. You suddenly feel how hot the coffee feels, you fan your shirt. He does the same.

"Do you know how much this dress shirt costs!" He exclaims.

"I'm so sorry, here." You grab a napkin from the counter and try to wipe most of the coffee out from his shirt.

"Dammit you're making it worse!"

"I-im really sorry, I really didn't mean to."

The same waiter that made your drinks
comes in between you two.

"If you guys can't quiet down, I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Yes, sorry." You quietly say. As she walks back behind the counter the tall man bends down slightly.

"You're going to pay for this!" He loudly whispers.

"Yes of course. How much was your shirt?" You pull out your wallet.

"Two-hundred dollars." He sternly says, still looking down at you.

Shit, you don't have that much money on you right now.

"I have a hundred right now, I can give the rest to you later." You say, pulling out the rest of your money for him to take.

"Very well." He swipes the money out of your hand, "I'll be expecting the other half next week."

Rude ass. You thought to yourself as you walk the other way.

"Excuse me?" The man walks behind you and forcibly turns you around.
Did I say that out loud??
This week really couldn't get any worse.

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