Red Man

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The Red Man is a scary ritual or paranormal ghost game from Japan. The game is about summoning a mysterious being using a paper cut-out doll, five candles, and two mirrors.

How to call the Red Man:

You will need a sheet of paper, scissors, red lipstick, five candles, and two mirrors. It is also important to mention that the game should be played after dark and before dawn.

Step 1: Take a sheet of paper and cut out the shape of a paper man.

Step 2: Using a pen, draw a line down the back of the paper man. Write your name on the left side and write the word "Rubeus" on the right side. Rubeus means red in Latin.

Step 3: Arrange the two mirrors so that they are face to face with a gap between them.

Step 4: Using the lipstick, draw a pair of red eyes on the mirror on the left. The eyes should be at the center of the top half of the mirror.

Step 5: Position the paper man so that he is lying face-down between the two mirrors. The mirror with the red eyes should be on his left and the normal mirror should be on his right.

Step 6: Plae the candles around the paper man in a circle, in the following order: Imagine the face of a clock. The paper man's head is pointing to 12 and the legs are pointing to 6. Place the first candle at 12, the second at 2, the third at 5, the fourth at 7, and fifth at 10.

Step 7: Turn off any lights.

Step 8: Light the candles in the following order 7, 12, 5, 10, 2.

Step 9: Using the scissors, cut the paper man down the middle.

Step 10: Move the left half towards the mirror on the left and the right half towards the mirror on the right. Both halves of the paper man should still be within the circle of candles.

Step 11: Close your eyes and repeat the following 6 times: "Please come. Please come. I will not move until you come."

Step 12: Extinguish the candles in the following order: 12, 7, 2, 10, 5.

The game is over and the red man will appear in the room.


1: Once you start playing the Red Man Game, you must not stop until it's over.

2: You must place the candles, light them, then extinguish them in the exact order given above.

3: Do not let any daylight enter the mirror during the game (That's why you should play the game after dark and before dawn). It is possible to play the game during the day, but you must be in a place that is in complete darkness.

4: Only the person or people who want to meet the Red Man should be in the room during the game. Anyone who does not want to meet the Red Man should wait outside until the game is over.

5: Whatever happens, do not allow yourself to see your own face reflected in the mirror during the game.

6: After you finish playing the Red Man game, you need to dispose of the paper and the candles by burying them.

Warning: I have no idea what the Red Man is, or what he does when he arrives, so I would you advise you to not play this.

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