"You see... we are very protective over our father's....especially me...and you happened to give my father a bloody nose. And honestly, i don't think a girl should be doing that." The supposed leader said.

"Well...if they hadn't been drinking and groping me then i wouldn't have done anything but i am not going to let some guys be all up on me without showing them that they don't mess with me." I said trying to sound hateful.

The "leader" smiled and came closer to me. He was really big and honestly, he looked scary...even for me. He got really close to me with a big smile across his face. Then i felt a sharp pain in my rib cage. Instantly, I knew that he had punched me.  Oh this was not going to happen. I was not going to let this random dude hit me.

I lifted my leg up and kicked him in a place where the sun dont shine. i laughed but the other two threw me on the ground. My face and everything else hit the concrete hard. yes, it hurt but i was going to get right back up and fight.

I stood up and started kicking and swinging at the other guys who were charging towards me. I would punch and kick and for a minute, i thought i was actually going to beat them. Out of no where, this one guy grabbed my hand and twisted it really hard. He was amazingly strong and i could feel the bones snap. I screamed in pain then they shoved me back on the ground, hard. My face hit the concrete and i could already feel the pain shooting through me.

I looked up to see all the guys huddled over me with mad faces. Then i saw one guys fist infront of my face...then everything went black.

(hayden's point of view)

We were in the woods watching Alesia walk when they attacked. We charged from the woods and broke them from around Alesia's body laying on the concrete. All four of us were taking on at least two guys each. None of us were in our wolf form but i was pretty sure that soon enough all of us would be so mad that we would transform.

I attacked the leader of the group, Trey and the strongest in the group, Alex. I was so mad that they had been the ones to come after Alesia first. I would have thought that Trey would be a big baby and make his little puppets do all the work before he got involved.

I was punching, kicking, tackling, and doing everything i could to cause them pain. I hated all of them and i hated them even worse than i did before they decided to attack Alesia.

Trey punched me in the shoulder but he should have known it would have no affect on me. When your a werewolf it takes alot for something to actually hurt you. He could never hurt me.

Once I was sure that those two were completely out of it, I looked over at the rest of my guys who were doing fine. Nathan was taking on his third person, Matthew had already transformed into a wolf and was making sure that nobody got up from the ground, and Adam was punching this one guy while he was laying on the ground, already with a bloody nose.

I ran over and crouched next to Alesia. Her face was bruised and she had blood coming from her nose. I had seen her be pushed into the concrete about two times and I had seen Alex twist her wrist. She was out of it.  I looked at her wrist that Alex had bent. Just by looking at it, i could tell it was broken. It took about five minutes before the rest of the them to throw Trey's group into the woods. Nathan, Matthew, and Adam then had their concentration on Alesia. I just kept staring at her. There was nothing I could do for her. There was nothing any of us could do for her. We couldn't take her to the hospital and say that a bunch of strong werewolves had attacked her and we beat them up because we were also werewolves. We had to come up with a good excuse before we could tell anybody.

"Is she ok?" Adam asked.

"I don't know. They hit her which caused her to be out of it. We'll have to wait until she wakes up." I said pulling her hair out of her face since she oviously couldn't do it. I felt so sorry for her to be just lying on the side of the road. There weren't any benches around to put her on and I defintely wasn't going to take her to the gym when she was in this condition.

Then it hit me.

She had her match in like an hour.  There was no way she was going to be able to fight under her conditions. Knowing her, she was probably going to say that she was ok and try to fight anyway. I knew that i wasnt going to let her. 

We all just sat around and I had my eyes fixed on Alesia. She looked really hurt. I was kinda glad that she wasn't awake because then she would be in alot of pain.

Finally after about five minutes of staring at her, I saw her start to move.


Please comment. I want to know if anybody likes this story. I know all my friends on here do but i want to here from people that i dont' know. Please comment.

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