What a solution

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The entire council stared at Severus as if he had said muggles cried themselves to sleep every night because they thought magic didn't exist.
Lucius and Sirius were one of the few who had their facial features under control, even if it was difficult for them. Only by looking into their eyes one could guess their feelings.
Harry, as well as his friends who were present, didn't have that much restraint. Even Hermione fell off her face when she heard her former teacher's dry sentence. .the green-eyed one, on the other hand, was very happy that he had just turned to his dad when he spoke of the solution, because his lower lip was hanging somewhere on his chest and his eyes must have looked like a mixture of frog and snail. .he could really feel it.

Severus was also happy to have his expression perfectly under control. He had never come across so many stupid faces. In his profession, that meant something. .and yes, he gladly admitted it to himself, he was enjoying the effect his words were having right now. In fact, that was the only reason he chose her. .not because he wanted to make fun of the politicians present, but to give them a powerful reminder. .had the Dementors books not been destroyed the problem of their existence could have been solved years ago. Many innocent and guilty alike would not have fallen victim to the evil of these beasts. .because Severus was happy to agree with Remus on one thing, nobody deserved such an ending. How should one improve in the next life if one had no next life? .moreover, the potions master was of the firm belief that the living did not have a right to judge and determine the soul of another. .after all, this was not given to a living being to play with like a ball. It was not for nothing that even Voldemort had kept his hands off such magic. The man had been insane but not stupid.

."Severus, have you swallowed too much of your own potions over the last few years, or have you lost your sanity at the Order's headquarters? How can you talk such insane nonsense? .like anyone would believe a word you said.”
Immediately Severus' good mood was gone and he glared at his former superior.
"Neither, MISTER Dumbledore, I mean every word. .You should know best that I have no patience for nonsense. Not on a topic like this. Also, the Black family estate has long ceased to be the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.”
."I beg you, you can't ask us to believe your words, can you? Tell us what you really intend to do with the dementors."
"Mr. .dumbledore, I think Professor Snape has made it very clear that he doesn't appreciate being spoken to so confidentially by you. Besides, if you'd be so kind as to just shut up, we might already know more. .please, Professor Snape, continue. I admit that I am also very curious”, the minister admitted.
"Which is quite understandable," Severus smirked.
“Ridiculous, the whole session is a farce. What is Snape up to? .Does he want to teach dementors how to behave and dress them in colorful cloaks? And then as a reward they get the souls of animals or what?”
"Am I talking to walls here? Now I already have Mr. .warns dumbledore and the next one answers. Quiet for the moment,” the minister taunted.
Severus gave the heckler a withering look.
"Don't be ridiculous. .the dementors are not supposed to go to school, nor are they given souls to devour. What colorful capes should have to do with all this is also beyond my knowledge. .If someone would finally let me have my say, I would have already explained what my comment was all about. My students are not as attention resistant as some of you."
.those who had already had Severus as a teacher smirked at each other. Many others grumbled but finally shut up.
"Please, Sev," Lucius asked softly.

"To cut a long story short before I get interrupted again. .yes, the soul eaters are supposed to be nice, but not because of upbringing. I intend to give souls to the dementors through a very powerful ritual combined with a potion. .I got the exact procedure from the book you wished you had seen in the flames.”
"Didn't you just say you didn't want to feed her?"
Severus now glared at Arthur Weasley.
"Exactly, I have. .if you had listened to me properly then you wouldn't have to ask now. I said I want to give them souls, I don't want to feed them souls. That must be a big difference.”
."One I don't quite understand yet," Moody admitted.
"It's actually not that difficult. Dementors don't have souls, that's how they were created. The creator of these beings was anything but a humanitarian. .he was cruel, there is no other way to put it. And all that with white magic, it can turn your stomach at times. .the dementors are hollow, they're neither really alive nor dead, but they long to be like everyone else every second of their existence. Also intended by the inventor I might add. .these beings try to develop a soul themselves by devouring souls and sucking out beautiful memories because they have an irrepressible desire to really live. .as such, every second of their wasting is a torment not even their victims suffer. Because they don't even know what's missing after their souls have been sucked out."
.“The Patronus works because it shows beings everything they cannot have. That is why they are fleeing.”

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