Erotic through deeds

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Harry thoroughly enjoyed the conversations he had with the others in the bathroom. Lyra had insisted on enlightening everyone present about Harry's plans for a better England. .and now questions and suggestions came from everywhere. However, there was nothing unpleasant about the situation. On the contrary, the young man sensed the interest of his interlocutors and was therefore happy to provide information. .and he was always open to good advice. After a short time, a heated debate ensued, which finally had to be interrupted by Paradiso.
."We should get out of the water and treat ourselves to an extra deep beauty treatment, or were you guys going to be running around as shriveled lemons for the foreseeable future? .I'm sure that would make you a good match for the former headmaster of Hogwarts."
"I'm already outside."
The Greeks couldn't look that fast when Harry jumped out of the water, closely followed by the rest of the English.
."The man is really not popular," said a young woman.
"Get to know him and you'll know why," Lyra replied sourly and also climbed out of the water.

"You know Dumbledore?" Harry marveled.
."Unfortunately, it couldn't be avoided, don't forget that he also has a seat on the council."
"Yes, but I had no idea that he was involved in international politics. .he always seemed to me like there was only England for him.”
"Think of the tournament, he came up with the idea," Severus reminded him.
"True again."
.“You're not entirely wrong, he used to not be that interested in the political scene, but since he's no longer headmaster he's clearly got too much free time. It also deprived him of a strong position of power. .of course he wants to get back to his former strengths and mostly in the Ministry,” Sirius growled.
"Much to our chagrin. .Although he is no longer trying to legalize hunting again, his goals have not improved. Now he's after all black magic,” Lucius explained.
The Greeks looked at the blond in confusion.
."Please don't tell me that he's so stupid as to want to ban this branch? At Hera's stove, the man was headmaster for years, he should know how important black magic is. .I could only bury many of my patients if I wasn't allowed to save them with black magic spells," Orthos grumbled.
."What do you expect from a man who ordered his teachers to give the best grades to children of rich parents? No matter how deserved they really were. .but good that you remind me of school, Luc, Siri, Dad, we should also make sure that the English finally deal with their history."
"What exactly do you mean?" Sirius wanted to know.
"Guess what. .I want everyone to know what the individual houses really stand for, i.e. the good and the bad qualities. It's also time to put the true story of the founders back in people's minds. .as long as the population refuses to open their eyes, black magic will not stand a chance. After all, Salazar was a black magician. Though he certainly wasn't angry."
"Good point," Severus complimented.
."And how are you going to make people wake up?" Clio asked interestedly.
"Oh, that's easy, I'll just ask encyclopedias to talk more about the founding in history class. .the students will get curious and storm the library, and then text their parents and ask them why they have been lied to for years.”
“Which will also deal with the topic. .by doing this you hope that they will become more open and all without exerting even the slightest pressure. People will think they finally had the idea to think about it themselves. .you're really good at this game called politics,” Lucius stated.
"Because I enjoy it. ..I do manipulate people, but not to gain any personal benefit, but only because I want to improve something. Even if that, admittedly, sounds very arrogant.”
."Politics is always about manipulation, that's no secret, only the motives differ. And yours are worth realizing. That's how I see it," Marino said.
."I can only agree, I'm already looking forward to working with you in the future. It's going to be exciting," Lyra smiled.
"Merlin, what have you done to my innocent Harry. .he was such a sweet kid and now I'm losing him to politics,” Sirius wailed.
"You can't do it right either. Once you complain that I'm growing up and now my career aspirations don't suit you. .although, I'm not going to deal exclusively with politics. My dream job is still ritual guardian.”
"Actually? .if so then I can recommend some good books on the subject as I'm a Guardian myself,” grinned a friend of Paradiso's.
The green-eyed man beamed and in the next minute he started talking shop with the woman.

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