A day for two

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Lucius was immensely grateful for the warnings from Severus and Sirius regarding their son, otherwise he would have died of worry right now. How could he stay calm? .Harry was romping through a gigantic enclosure with a pride of lions. Although in his animagus form, that didn't make it any better. At least not for Lucius. A sand cat was a lot smaller than a full-grown lion. .even the hatchlings towered over the transformed wizard.
They both had decided to start their day together by visiting the zoo. And Harry was enjoying it to the fullest.
."Little one, please come back, nurses are coming back there. I don't want them to think you escaped your enclosure."
The sand cat raised its head and then climbed down from the male lion's. .he got tangled in his shaggy mane several times, but the big beast didn't really seem to mind. Once again, Lucius was happy that animals never attacked animagie. .which unfortunately did not let the heart of the politician calm down either.
As Harry made his way to Lucius, a lioness got up and grabbed his neck fur. .then she trotted towards the grate with her tiny cargo and looked at the blond expectantly.
"Will I get my partner back?" he wanted to know with a smile.
.The lioness hesitantly set down her burden and watched Harry as he squeezed through the bars.
"Come here, if you want to transform we have to find another place. There's a whole group coming over there."
.Harry gave a meow of agreement and then crept into the crook of his companion's arm. He wouldn't be seen like that, besides it was nice to be so close to his partner.

"Wasn't that just fantastic?"
."What exactly are you talking about? About your wild game with the wolves or your gymnastics action with the lions? Or rather from the digging competition with the meerkats and fennec foxes? Not to forget the swim training with the otters.*”
.Harry grinned mischievously at his counterpart, then quickly took a bite of his food. The wild romp had made him extremely hungry.
Lucius smiled too, it had been nice to see Harry in his animal form. .he wasn't usually that boisterous around him.
"Admit that you liked the wolves too."
..the blond almost made a face, yes, he allowed himself to be persuaded to climb into the enclosure and transform himself.
"But only because you insisted," the man clarified.
"I'm also very grateful for that. .it is always overwhelming to see you in your wolf form. You have the most beautiful fur I have ever seen on such an animal. Incidentally, the alpha wolf seemed to have had the same opinion,” the young man grinned.
.lucius almost choked on his iced tea when he remembered the she-wolf. She had been really pushy at first, but she quickly calmed down. A clear difference to humans. .many of them had been trying to get to Lucius for a long time, and by now everyone should know that the man was in a relationship. Even if it was still at the beginning.

."What are you thinking about?" Harry finally pulled him out of his thoughts.
"How happy I am that we can finally spend time together. With no obligations or your fathers.”
."That's right, it's been a long time since we only did something together," said the green-eyed man.
"Is that why you left your troops at home?"
Harry laughed.
."I love the crew, as you call them, but even I don't want to take a cuddly book, a pyromaniac dragon, or a cheeky feather to a date. .especially not when I get to spend the time alone with you instead.”
The aristocrat smiled, almost raising an eyebrow. It was still very new to him that Harry was so outgoing. .maybe the opportunity could be used?

"Harry, may I kiss you?"
The green-eyed man widened his eyes and looked around.
"We've kissed in a restaurant before. .if you want, I can do a bit of magic again."
"You do it either way."
"Not at all," Lucius corrected before he saw the faint blush on his partner's cheeks. "Oh, that's what you meant."
"Exactly. .something about the climate and the food in this country, it's totally changing me,” Harry tried to talk his way out of it.
"If that's the case, I'll get lots of recipes from our hosts. .I will also ask Severus to bottle the air.”
Harry let out a wild snort, drawing the attention of the other patrons to their table. But that didn't bother the young man at all, he didn't even notice. .he was just too relaxed for that at the moment.
"I think he would even do it. Dad said yesterday that he would have brought me to Greece much earlier if he had known how good this vacation is for me. .Sirius and I agreed with him. It feels great to finally stop blushing at every second word or sinking into the ground with embarrassment. I guess I'm finally growing up and I'm loving it."
"That's good to hear. .I enjoy your transformation too. Does that mean I can kiss you?”
"You know there was a ton of garlic in my salad? My bad breath will blow your mind.”
"I ate clams for that, no better either," Lucius reminded him.
."Don't bother me, I'll always want to kiss you. Only, um, this is the muggle world, I don't know if they like to see that,” Harry pointed out.
.Lucius just wasn't sure if Harry didn't just say the second part to distract from his compliment.
"Thanks, I'm no different with you. .and as for muggles, do you vaguely remember putting that young chick in her place not too long ago?"
Harry grinned at the memory, and if he could remember it. .without noticing it himself, he now moved closer to Lucius.
"I take that as an invitation," Lucius breathed, leaning forward.
"It is, I don't need wards, I think I'm finally ready."
."Tell me if it's getting to be too much for you," Lucius asked anyway, now leaning all the way to his young partner.
And then something happened that the blonde had never expected in his life. Harry came towards him to start the kiss himself. .It didn't take long before the young man reached out and pulled him even closer. Lucius couldn't believe his luck, his shy little Harry was suddenly confident.
.'I love this country, it's so good for it', the man thought.
He put one hand on Harry's neck, the other went to the back of his head. In this way he could intensify the kiss. .and from Harry's soft sighs, the blond could clearly hear how much he was enjoying himself.
After a while, however, the aristocrat had to be careful not to get too passionate, so he slowed down the kiss a bit. .He gently played his tongue around Harry's and suddenly he wasn't shy anymore. At least his trusty oral cavity guardian wasn't, because she danced around and with Lucius' tongue as if she had never done anything else. .The young man's hands also wandered around and the next moment Lucius felt them close around his neck. It felt wonderful to feel the narrow, delicate fingers on his skin. .especially when they clutched at him for support, Lucius nearly ran away again. His sweet Harry was just pure dynamite to him.

.a soft whimper from one of the adjacent tables made the two break their intoxicating kiss. However, it wasn't like they parted from each other caught, no, they ended the kiss slowly and happily. .then Lucius laid his forehead against the black-haired man's and opened his eyes.
"You kiss wonderfully," he whispered.
"Because you're a very good teacher," Harry replied, lips kissed red.
.both now glanced at the table from which the whimper had come. There sat four women and each of them had a complexion that Harry normally only knew of himself. .they were bright red and seemed to be staring in her direction with rapture.
"So it's true that a lot of women get turned on when they see a gay couple," Harry stated in amazement.
."Looks like it, and if I'm not mistaken, these ladies wouldn't mind if they got an encore," Lucius grinned confidently.
"What's the reason for that? .they have to see that they don't stand a chance with us. Then why the greedy looks?”
"Oh, I think it's very simple. What do you think is hotter for a straight woman than a handsome man?”
"Er, two beautiful men?"
"I agree."
."But, I'm not really a man yet. If so, I'll pass as a twink at most. Especially after depilation in the bathhouse. You, on the other hand, are a feast for the eyes and a picture of a man.”
"Thank you, you always say such nice things. .But I've told you before that you misjudge your effect. Think of the bathhouse. Also, twinks are very popular.”
"You too?" Harry whispered.
.lucius smiled and gave his young friend another gentle kiss, but this time only on the lips.
"Only you," he then clarified.
"In that case, I'll try my best to continue being pretty boyish."
.now Lucius sat up and looked down gravely.
"Harry, I don't care what you look like, I fell in love with you as a person, not your looks. This is just an encore.”
.Harry beamed at him and then snuggled back into his partner's arms.
"You're wonderful," he stated again.
"You also."

As they exited the restaurant, the blonde gave Harry a questioning look.
."What would you like to do next? Shall we Apparate into a forest and roam through the bushes as animals?”
To his amazement, Harry shook his head.
"No, I'd like to walk through town with you, if that's okay with you. .we could have a look around.”
"I'd love to, may I hold your hand? It would make me happy if we could show everyone that we are together."
The young Gryffindor smiled up at him in delight. He even held out his hand.
"You're welcome. .and what do you think of an ice cream later? I know that you like to eat it very much. Or does an ice cream cone bother you?”
"No, why should it?"
"I don't know, I thought it might not be befitting enough for you."
."You cheeky lion," Lucius laughed, then grabbed the grinning man's hand.
Harry enjoyed showing everyone how he felt about the man next to him. And he wanted to show it to Lucius himself more and more.
.'Maybe it's time to take the next step? I'm sure Lucius wouldn't mind if we intensified our physical contact.'
Of course, Harry didn't want everything at once, but it didn't have to be. .there were so many other things to do together.
'After the next visit to the bathhouse,' the young man decided.
After that he fully concentrated on today and the wonderful hours he was allowed to spend alone with Lucius.

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