Chapter 79

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Kevin then showed him how to parry and disarm an opponent, and after half an hour of practice, Axel and Alan finally appeared and Alan immediately motioned for Erik to follow him.

The evening seemed over … Erik thanked Kevin for all his advice and hurried over to join the only man who mattered to him.

After putting his new weapons in his magic bag, he threw himself into Alan's arms and kissed him passionately, it was time to go and practice a whole different sport and when he saw the look full of lust that Alan was giving him he knew they were on the same page.

Erik didn't have time to ask how their discussion had ended because Alan bluntly threw him over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes and after nodding to Axel and Kevin he disappeared with a surprising speed that left Kevin completely speechless.

However, the smile of the hunter who was going to devour his prey that had appeared on Alan's face had not escaped him, Erik would probably spend the rest of this night satisfying his man's desires.

He turned to Axel and asked : "So, how did it go ?"

Axel who had been a little surprised by Alan's behavior recovered and said to him : "I managed to convince him, they are coming with us tomorrow, we will leave at 6.30am."

Axel then asked him because Alan wanted to know what he was going to do about this matter : "Babe, what did you plan to do about the queen ?"

Kevin looked at him wondering why he was asking him this kind of question, but he said without hesitation : "I'm going to rescue her of course.

Same if she isn't my true mother, I owe her for this new body ... But, I won't tell her who I am, after all, her son died in that alley. I could never be him and I don't want to, I love our peaceful life.

Believe me, I got hunted down because of politics in my world, I won't make the same mistake twice.

After saving her and her sister, we will let Alan's family take care of them and I will disappear without anyone noticing.."

Axel asked him again : "How are you going to do it ?"

Kevin had nothing to hide from him so he told him : "I will take advantage of the annual capital's tournament, I don't have enough information yet to tell you more on how I will do it, but don't worry though, I will tell you everything when I will have gotten the information I need."

Axel smiled at him and said : "Rescuing the queen and her sister was one of Alan's conditions to come with us tomorrow."

Kevin asked him then : "One of the conditions ?"

Axel coughed a little embarrassed but Alan was uncompromising on certain points : "Considering your past he asked me what you were planning to do, he suspected that we would not stay at the Sun Sect for a long time, and as he told you already, he said that he wanted to accompany us to protect you and of course Erik would stay with him."

Kevin shrugged, he had guessed that already, what he didn't understand was why Axel looked so embarrassed.

So, he looked at him raising an eyebrow to make him understand that he was still waiting and Axel after having passed one of his hands on his face finally confessed to him : "It was frankly very embarrassing.

So, he gave me a lecture about taking good care of you and that I will be responsible for you well-being. He also told me that if I break your heart he will tear my guts out ..."

Kevin then burst out laughing, he really hadn't expected this, and Axel said to him : "Babe, it's not funny, isn't he supposed to be my friend ... Anyway, I told him that we had already talked about it together and that we have planned to get a promise of engagement at the annual capital's tournament."

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