Blast From The Past

14 0 3

-Three Years Earlier-

Today was the day my dad had been officially challenged for his place on the throne and as I walked through the wispy hallways of the Central School in LunarSun, my books clenched to my chest, my bag softly bumping against my leg and my eyes watching the floor, all eyes were on me and everything was dead quiet. I never really had any friends other than my flowers in my garden back home but that was just embarrassing. There had been multiple attempts from classmates to approach me and befriend me but I never reciprocated. They were just wanting to hang out with me and talk to me because of my status and I never wanted fake friendships. I wanted people to befriend me because they liked me for who I was. I usually ignored them but today, their true colors were shining bright as day and I was the one being avoided.

I could hear them all snickering and looking down on me because my dad was the first Alpha to have his seat challenged in a millennium. These ridiculing belittling words didn't get to me near as much as whose mouths that they exited from. These were the same classmates that were fighting their asses off trying to befriend the 'Alpha's daughter' and trying to score some kind of reputation to truly be friends with me. It really struck a nerve with me but I let it be. I walked to my locker and opened it up to put my stuff in when a tall, fit girl approached me and slammed it in my face. I snapped my head around to stare the wench right in her ugly face. It was Amber Dwight, an orange-haired bully of the school who just couldn't get enough of me and tried her darndest to befriend me but her sad excuses of an attempt usually ended in her saying how she can introduce herself to my dad and wanting to finally be friends with a royal family. It was never about me. She scoffed at me and smacked my books out of my hands. "Not so big and tough now that your daddy is about to lose his entire throne to some outsider, are you?"

I ignored her and bent down to grab my stuff but right as I had my hand wrapped around my science book, I felt a sharp pain as my silky white hair was snatched and I was now dangling in front of her, our eyes locking together and she laughed throwing me to the wall hard. She was crazy strong and I was honestly pretty small compared to the other girls. When she threw me against the wall, my head smacked against it pretty hard and it threw me into a daze. I reached my hand to massage and soothe where I hit my head and I felt something wet and warm. I looked at my hand and my eyes grew wide with horror seeing as my hand was covered in blood. I was so caught up in the blood on my hand and the pain in my head and body that I didn't even notice Amber approaching me. It was her voice that snapped my back into reality. "I bet you thought you were just so much better than the rest of us, didn't you? Never struggled a day in your life. I'll show you what struggling is like!"

I felt a swift and hard kick to my stomach forcing me back against the wall and I coughed hard. The pain was insane and I almost threw up. I curled up in a fetal position and shuddered, my head throbbing and dripping on the floor, my stomach convulsed almost causing me to vomit and my back was absolutely searing from the pain. "Why...?" I managed to say. "I never did anything to you..." I peered up at the other classmates just watching, no one caring to help. Tears began to form in my eyes and I screamed, "I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO ANY OF YOU-"I was cut off as Amber snatched me once more by my snow white hair now stained in my own blood and threw me once more but down the hallway. Her words basically chased me as I skidded across the floor, "SHUT UP, YOU FUCKING MUTT!!! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO SPEAK TO US!!"

I laid there for a moment trying to process everything that was happening. I could vaguely see her in the distance kicking my stuff around and stomping on my papers and books. This was insane. This was way overboard and I truly felt like I was going to die today. No one was going to help me and that was pretty clear. Then again, maybe I did deserve this. I never gave any of them a chance at friendship with me. I know they all just wanted to push me into a friendship because of my status but was that so wrong? At least I wouldn't be laying here right now if I just gave them all what they wanted from the get go. I started picking myself up and Amber's head snapped to look at me, "who gave you permission to stand, bitch?"

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