To Sneak or Not to Sneak

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So, as you can already imagine, it was a very awkward walk home that night but what made it even more awkward was Malakai avoiding me at all costs. His cheeks were flushed pink and he was covering his nose while keeping a very safe 10 feet distance behind us. Aaron would toss a glance here and there to check on him and make sure he was still there as we walked but overall, everything was very quiet and still. The streetlights above us were so bright as we passed under each one on the walk home. The sidewalks were very clean and the road was well taken care of so there were no cracks or even dulled out paint. Being a member of a main community pack was like this though. Well kept, strict enforcement of our laws, beautiful homes and an emergency barter system if a wolf was low on coin. No wolf goes hungry or struggles, never in a pack.

The neighborhood resembled a human neighborhood, even down to the cute picket fences around some of the homes to make it look happier and warmer. Just because we were wolves doesn't mean were savages. It's also forbidden to turn wolf in certain areas as to keep tension down and prevent an unnecessary riot. The only places where you can turn are woodland parks where hunting fresh prey is always alright but you have to have a tag, in the arena, on your own property, used as self defense which was rare as no one really needed that here, and during events where being in wolf form was necessary to perform the actions like a wolf race or what not. We are admitted ten tags a month per household to catch fresh prey out in the woodland parks. My dad always ended up using them all in the first two weeks of every month but then again, he loves to hunt. He likes having our freezer stocked and he enjoys teaching some of the younger pups the ways of hunting.

Everyone learns the way of their wolf and how to properly shift at the age of 13 but I never seemed to master it until I was 15. That was almost two years ago but it still embarrasses me. I could only imagine how my parents felt knowing their daughter was such a failure. I looked up at the stars and smirked in a way that was really just defeated at this point. 'Were a happy little family of failures except mom.' I noticed the tall lantern lit statues of my house in the distance and sighed. After my dad was defeated, we were promptly cast out from the palace and moved into a mansion in the suburbs. It was nice and marble decorated the floors. The house was like a country club, really nice and the gardens out back were to die for. I spent a lot of time to myself tending those gardens as my dad was too ashamed to hire human maids or even servants. He just never felt worthy after that. I couldn't let such a lovely garden perish and go to waste away so I tended to it every chance I got. I patted my pocket feeling the Tamagotchi and smiled. At least when Aaron isn't around, I still have a little friend keeping me company.

After I was dropped off at my home, I said my goodbyes to Aaron and Malakai before heading inside. My phone dinged almost as soon as I had the front door closed behind me. It was Lillian: "I had a great time and I hope to hang out again soon! <3 :*" I chucked and smiled down at my phone. Even her messages were sweet and cute even. I held my phone to my chest and smiled up at the ceiling. I was completely vulnerable to this amazing feeling of finally having a female friend of my own. Not just a female friend but another friend in general. It had been so very long since I truly felt wanted around and she even knew about the fact that I was the former Alpha's daughter.

My smile faded and I stared blankly in realization. 'Wait..' I pondered, 'How does she know about me at all?' To my knowledge, other packs should not know much about the children of the Alpha's. Then again, it could have simply been curiosity. She may have even pitied me because of what conspired. I looked down at her message and began typing: "Hell yeah, sounds good. Let me know if you ever want to hang out again and I will be sure to make some time for ya." I hoped with all of my heart this wasn't a pity friendship. I squeezed my phone in my hand. I want this to be a real connection with someone. I longed for more, something true and strong. Aaron and I were close but not incredibly. We spent a lot of time together and he was the only friend I had but having another friend to spend time with when he wasn't around was always on my mind.

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