Suspicion Grows

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It honestly felt like the entire was in slow motion as those words left his lips. I had never spoken to a member of the Alpha's family let alone speak to any of them yet here he was, the son of the infamous Damien Clearwater sitting next to me with his golden eyes gleaming with warmth and his radiating smile captivating every second that passed. This felt so much different than when I came into contact with Mason. If anything, the only similarities I detected were that Vincent had that same intimidating aura to him yet, it wasn't suffocating like Mason's was. Why was that? It left me at a loss for words as my mind pondered that.

Vincent softly scooped my hand off my lap which broke me away from my thoughts and shook my hand very tenderly. His cheeks were a very soft pink as he did so and then tore his gaze away from me to look at the moon above us. "I heard so much about you but never got to really meet you in person, Ms. Hartt." My mouth gaped open in surprise and I stared at him, "you know who I am?" He smiled in full amusement and then I blushed a bit as his gaze shifted from the moon to me, locking his eyes with mine. "Yes, of course. The daughter of the hammer-fisted Alpha Alexander Hartt, Seraphina Hartt. The first-born with hair like freshly fallen snow and eyes of gold. When I say that I have truly anticipated our meeting...," he stood before me, stooped down to one knee, took me hand and pressed his warm, soft lips to the top of it and looked up at me with a very piercing and cunning gaze, "that would be an understatement, my lady."

My entire face became beet red and I felt like my entire body was on fire. I bit my lower lip and crossed my legs, "y-yes, it is a pleasure and honor to meet you as well, my lord." It was painfully difficult trying to contain myself and stay strong in this situation. This man was unbelievably hot and I could only imagine what was beneath those fancy clothes he had on. I bet he was ripped and not to mention I was a total sucker for tall guys. And DAMN was this man tall. He slowly came to his feet once more and yet he never released my hand. He gave me another dashingly handsome and warm smile before motioning with his apposing hand to the gardens, "Would you do me the honor of taking a walk with me this fine evening? I apologize but I am not keen on these frilly parties nor the idle demeanor of the guests." I was definitely not saying no to that and lose an opportunity like this. Absolutely not.

I smiled warmly in return and accepted following him to the gardens. The entryway had a beautiful arch covered in flowers. And I know what you must be thinking, why are there flowers blooming in fall? Well to answer that for you, we use garden fairy dust in the water supply to keep flowers thriving all year round. Living in a realm of creatures such as myself, there were quite a lot of remarkable things we could get our hands on. Along the path into the garden past the arch were all of the peonies and hydrangeas and I was absolutely smitten with how healthy and happy they were yet a bit somber all the same. Yes, they were thriving but without me. I used to tend to all of the flowers here with the attendants of the palace but that was no longer my duty as I no longer lived here and probably never would again. He kept a watchful eye on me and let out a sigh of content, "It's nice to get away sometimes. I did want to ask you something though, but only if you don't mind." I looked up at him and offered a little half smile, "sure, what's up?" He stopped us by the gazebo in the center of the garden and gave me a curious look, "How old are you? I only ask because this is the first time seeing you when you have definitely come before." I nodded and cast a look at the gazebo, "I just turned 16 after the festival last year so I was not able to attend the normal event and had to go to the pup house. I will be 17 this winter." He gave me an interested look and waved his hand in front of his face "Yeah, that would make sense. I just turned 19 this year. If I'm being quite frank, it's nice to see such a beautiful young woman so close to my age and with obvious good taste." I shook my head confused and gave him a look of misunderstanding, "taste in what? We haven't shared any interests."

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