aftermath arc (cont.)

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- Tabitha and David end up maintaining a just-friends, despite their "worst case scenario" pact and the night they spent together right before David was deployed. They can't go back to being together since they both have so much to deal with, but they do promise to be there for each other. They often catch themselves wanting to be closer or being more affectionate for "just friends" and have to tell themselves to keep their distance.

- Tabitha receives a letter from Henry and Michael, detailing the events of Charles' funeral as well as an update on her family in Welborne.

- In Henry's letter, he describes how he didn't lose any of his older brothers, and Michael didn't lose his older brother.

- Henry includes a transcript of various quotes spoken by their friends and Charles' family at the funeral. One such line is "He never feared death's embrace. Yearned for it, even. But it was not his love of life that made him continue to fight. Nor was it his love for this kingdom — he had barely respect for it. It was his love for his friends that led him forward."

- According to the letter, Charles gave his life defending his friends, holding back a group of enemies just so Clarence, Angel, Dustin, and Theresa could get away. David comforts her as she cries. Her guilt over Charles' death and not being able to attend his funeral overwhelms her.

- Charles' mother has also asked Tabitha to reveal the identities of the Twelve Olympians in the original condemnation of Gonzalez to honor Charles. Tabitha already has Henry, Michael, and Theresa's approval and asks the remaining Olympians, who agree. She seeks approval from Antonio, who immediately agrees.

- Tabitha finds out that Lendon has been reconnecting with Thomas. Tabitha, reminded of David's words, warns Thomas that Lendon is going through a deep grieving process having lost her previous lover Jacob to the war. She asks Thomas if he will really be happy with that, to which Thomas replies that Lendon is the one he loves and would do anything for her. Tabitha makes Thomas promise to take care of Lendon, and he says, "of course."

- The dual coronation for Antonio and Dominic is set for September 1. Desmond formally abdicates his regent position and retreats back into the shadows.

- Henry, Michael, Theresa, Dustin, Angel, and Clarence return to the Palace to attend the coronation. They also bring a small portrait of Charles. All Olympians receive front row seats.

- During the coronation (also in the cathedral), Tabitha holds the Crown of Crosses for Dominic while Gwenyth (Antonio's girlfriend) holds the Crown of Clubs on pillows. The two young women stand between Queen Maria and Queen Anne-Marie. They are now officially Crown King Antonio Montero with Crown Queen Dowager Maria and King Dominic Doan of Knights with Queen Dowager Anne-Marie of Knights. In place, Tabitha officially and publicly receives the title of Royal Advisor.

- The Twelve Olympians are acknowledged and even stand before the crowd, a moment captured in many drawings, sketches and paintings.

- Antonio and Dominic are 26 years old. The remaining Twelve Olympians in the Palace are Thomas (27), David (26, almost 27), Bobby (26, almost 27), Huynh (26, almost 27), Tabitha (26, turning 27), Nancy (26, turning 27), and Theo (26, turning 27),  and Lendon (26). In Welborne are Michael (25), Henry (26), Theresa (with her friends, Clarence and Angel) and her lover (Dustin), all 26. Charles would have been 27 years old.

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