Wrestlemania 39: Night 1

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I'll provide some summaries for matches that aren't as heavily driven by stories. Either way, It'll make for a great Mania Card!

2. One on One Match: Christian Cage vs Kevin Owens

Owens attacked Cage during his entrance. However, Cage was able to gain his bearings and start the match. Owens looked to end it quickly, but Christian managed to avoid the stunner at all costs. Cage built momentum up leading to a comeback sequence that ended with Cage hitting a Spear on Owens! Owens got to his feet, but as he attempted another Stunner, Cage caught his foot, Swinging him around, grabbing the arms, Turning him into position, and Hitting the Killswitch! Cage covered Owens. One. Two. Three.
Winner: Christian Cage

Liv Morgan sat in her locker room backstage With her tag team Partner, Rhea Ripley. "So we should try and divide & Conquor with them for sure. We split em up and do some damage, dealing with the last members should be easy..." Rhea smiles and stands. "I'll be right back. I gotta go get a drink." Liv rolls her eyes as she smiles. "Rhea, you better hurry." She says Jokingly. A few seconds after Rhea leaves, A knock comes at the door. Liv was looking at her Phone, but she glanced up and opened the door... but it wasn't Rhea on the other side.

A chair nailed Liv in the gut, causing her to drop her phone. The steel crashed down onto her back, as the woman wielding it was revealed by the camera... the Virtuoso, Deonna Purrazzo! She knelt by Morgan. "Sorry, Liv. It's just business." She Said, Wrapping the chair around Liv's left arm, then double stomped down on it! Morgan rolled around in Agony, but before Deonna could do any more damage, Rhea rushed in and pulled Purrazzo back. "THE HELL'RE YA DOIN?! FUCK RIGHT OFF!!" She yells, shoving the much smaller Purrazzo out of the room as she calls for the medical staff. As Liv sat up, she grimaced, but looked at Rhea. She shook her head, implying she wasn't going to be ready by match time. Rhea nods, mouthing "I'm sorry. We'll win for you." Before leaving to go find a new tag team partner for their match.

3. SD Tag team titles: ReDRagon © vs RK-Bro

reDRagon's title reign had started at Summerslam. Could RK-Bro dethrone the Tag Team Powerhouse?

The match was a clinic of tag team wrestling. Technical superiority by reDRagon was nearly negated by the Veteran instinct of Orton and the Quick strikes and creativity of Riddle! It was a back and forth bout for the ages, but it ended when Riddle missed an RKO on Kyle, Who then locked in a Guillotine. Fish held Orton back, and Riddle passed out in the hold.

Winner: ReDRagon Retains via Technical Submission.

4. One on One match: Seth Rollins vs Guillermo

Guillermo shocked the world by kicking out of 2 curb stomps during his match with Seth Rollins. Guillermo displayed his strength, showing off with impressive power moves, performing Military Press Powerslams, a Deadlift Dominator, and a sequence he called the "Samoan Drop Symphony", which saw Guillermo counter multiple moves into Samoan Drops, one after the other. Fallaway Samoan Drop, then catching Rollins off a Springboard attempt, then ending with a Burning Hammer variant of the move!  Guillermo hit his finisher, a Spinning Tombstone he calls the "Ego Check", but Rollins Kicked out at the very last moment! Rollins attempted to Superplex the big man, only for Guillermo to land on his feet and hit a Running back elbow he calls "The Jerry Effect"! He went into the cover, One. Two. Three.

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