PPV: No Way Out!

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Match Card:

Pre-Show (Pre-taped match): Ethan Bourne (c) vs Carmelo Hayes vs "The Iron Angel" Daniel Dalton

1. The First Trial By Fire: Ricochet vs Aleister Black

2. Crystal Zamora vs Mandy Rose

3. Triple Threat Match (Winner faces Jonas Rollins @ Wrestlemania: Dominik Dijakovic vs Tomasso Ciampa vs Jesse Gutierrez

4. MMC finals: Bourne/Kai Vs J. Rollins/Stilford

5. SD Tag team title triple threat match: ReDRagon (c) (w/ Adam Cole) vs The Lucha Bros (w/ PAC)

6. Men's Elimination Chamber Match

7. MAIN EVENT: Hardcore Tag Team Match: The Brociety (Rico Rhodes/Jordan Daniels) vs The Revolution (Storm/Havoc w/ Cross)



Ethan Bourne lost his NXT championship on the No Way Out Pre-Show in his match with Carmelo Hayes & Daniel Dalton. (Dalton pinned Hayes to win the title.) Finn Bálor was the special guest referee for this match, presenting the belt to Dalton upon his victory

Ethan won the NXT Championship at Summerslam. Prior to this, Ethan was the NXT North American Champion for a single-reign record 382 Days Prior to his NXT title reign. He lost the title without being pinned or submitted, as he lost a Triple threat involving the aforementioned Carmelo Hayes and "The Iron Angel" Daniel Dalton. Congrats to Dalton, who has won his second title in NXT (his first being an NXT UK Champion for 5 months before losing that title to "The Bastard" Pac.)

But Ethan Bourne didn't leave the ring after the match. He sat in the middle of the ring as Melo and Dalton went to the back, holding a Mic. Ethan had the following to say:

"Well that didn't go as planned." the young star chuckled. "I'll be real with y'all... It sucks to even say this, but tonight's my last night in NXT." The crowd began the "PLEASE DON'T GO!" Chants. Ethan wiped his left eye. "Yeah, I wish I could stay too. But an ol' friend named Mister Rhodes promised me a spot on the Smackdown Roster alongside a man who, he believes can take me to new Heights... Yes, He's assigning a manager to me. Don't groan and complain just yet, because the man he wants to mentor me is... well... a Phenomenal choice." Ethan grins, revealing the news that he'd be under the guidance of AJ Styles on the main roster! "It sucks to leave. But I gave the two plus years here, and I've done all I can down here. To The NXT Universe, Y'all are the best fans in the world. There's really nothin' like climbing to the top rope, gettin' ready for Saving Grace, and the fans are all on their feet, buzzing with excitement, because they know the end's in sight. There really is no words I can use to describe what every last one of you means to me, as a performer and as a person. You've made my dreams possible. You wanna see me Livin' out those dreams? Tune in Friday nights... Where this boy's dreams become a reality." Bourne lowered the Mic as the crowd belted out "THANK YOU, ETHAN!" *Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap* (repeating). He stood in the ring, absorbing the moment, trying to keep his composure... Bourne walked his way up the ramp, when he turns to see the NXT Crowd one last time, however, somebody's music hits...

The crowd once again erupts! The New Chairman of WWE, founder of NXT, TRIPLE H! The Game walks out behind Ethan, Applauding along with the rest of the crowd. He whispers a few words to Ethan as he embraced the talent from behind. Ethan couldn't help but smile, ear to ear. The Kid was getting to live out his dreams on the Main Roster... His time In NXT May be done, but the Legacy Ethan built in NXT will never die. The Game was out here to Officially Send off one of the most entertaining, thrilling, and consistently enjoyable men who's ever stepped foot into NXT or NXT 2.0.

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