Road to Wrestlemania

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Night One Match Plans/Lead-ups

1. MJF's open challenge!
-the salt of the earth will Open the show of shows against ANY man in the Locker room!

2. One on One Match: Christian Cage vs Kevin Owens

Owens called out Edge, wanting a dream match a Mania. Instead, his call was answered by Christian Cage. Luke Rhodes made it official. Kevin trashed Cage verbally week after week, Calling him "Nothing but a Sidekick" everywhere he goes.

3. SD Tag team titles: ReDRagon © vs RK-Bro

Orton & Riddle won a fatal Fourway against The Usos, Los Lotharios, and the Viking Raiders to earn the right to challenge reDRagon.

One on One match: Seth Rollins vs Gerardo

Gerardo, who impressed inside the Chamber, was told by Rollins that he'd be going nowhere as long as "Megastars like me" [seth] were still around. Seth's arrogant comment was met by a shove, and a Brawl broke out. A match was made official the next week when Rollins took offense to the "Brash rookie's actions"

One on One match: Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett) vs The Miz (w/ Maryse)

The Miz & Maryse insisted they were the WWE's Power couple, but then, on MizTV, the lights went out and an Hourglass appeared in the ring. Kross hadn't been seen since his Summerslam triple threat loss. The mind games continued until Scarlett showed up on the go-home show, Simply saying "Tick Tock. Your end... is here..." while pointing to the Mania sign. Miz accepted, claiming to "not be afraid of Karrion Kross".

Raw Tag: Project Exodus (Porter/Reynolds) © vs Big Money Men (Cameron Grimes/Happy Corbin)

Elijah and Garrett were disgusted that Grimes and Corbin tried using their money/status to earn their way to a title match. They offered to shut the eccentric Money Men up at Mania, Titles on the Line.

Ethan Bourne (w/ Styles) vs Dax Wilder (c)

Accompanied by AJ Styles, Ethan Bourne was on top of the world... However, Dax Wilder attacked him from behind numerous times, causing Bourne to nearly lose most of his matches due to distractions, luckily each time AJ fought him off and Ethan managed to pull out victories. On the Go-Home show, Ethan watched as Dax used brass knuckles and a Low Blow to pin AJ. Enraged, he challenged Dax, sick of his dirty tactics and Blindside attacks. Luke made it an IC title match, and he made it official.

CO-MAIN EVENT - Raw Women's: Britt Baker © vs [Royal Rumble winner] Crystal Zamora

Britt Baker has hated the Biker girl ever since she joined Raw. Zamora has gotten over by calling Baker what she is: A Sniveling, overrated snob who's banging a more popular dude than she is, "Bay Bay" (Obviously Referencing Adam Cole)

Britt attempted to Sabatoge Crystal at every turn, but it still hasn't deterred the Young upstart. On the Go-Home Raw, Crystal ran into Mark Callaway, AKA the Undertaker. He said it took guts to say the things she's saying, and he wished her luck on her match before bestowing a pair of his "American Badass" Sunglasses. Crystal's jaw dropped, Speechless. She put them on and walked off, Grinning ear to ear.

(MAIN EVENT) Universal: Nick Burns (c) vs Ricochet

Nick came out and offered his congratulations to Ricochet for winning the Chamber Match.

"First of all... Ricochet. You passed the first two tests. Great. You're closer to your ultimate goal. But you have three more trials to go. Your Third Trial by Fire... Will be a Match where you cannot use a single High Flying move. Your Fourth Trial By Fire... will be a Submission match against Kyle O'Reilly! And finally... the final Trial... you have to last 15 Minutes, Not getting Pinned or submitted, Falls Count Anywhere, Extreme Rules... against ME! Only then will you earn your match against me."

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