The Nightmare

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Aron was walking through an alleyway to get  home after school. It was not long before he could see his home. He started jogging towards it...but something was wrong, it just didn't seem right. Just then he felt a sudden burst of energy spreading through his veins, he turned around to see a black hooded figure holding a knife coming towards him...FAST. He started sprinting away, trying to put as much distance from the being as possible. It didn't seem like he was moving. He started screaming as the figure raised it's arm and he suddenly woke up in a cold sweat, panting. What the hell was that. He thought, terrified. He looked around his room. He noticed his cat, Perkins in a corner, staring at his closet. Aron slowly got up to examine it and noticed a sticky note that read 'Meet me at the park at 3am '. That just about did it. He. was. Terrified.

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