But feeling her back now dripping in his elixir of life, her heart skipped a beat. "Hold on now you idiot, I'll get you help. Don't you die on me…!" she whispered worriedly, feeling his breaths turning fainter by the minute. Her feet started picking up their pace as branches started blurring beneath them in a daze, it seemed like hours before the foliage finally ended and she was rushing through the surprisingly unmanned gates of the village, straight to the hospital with a face of sheer urgency.

Rushing in through the hospital doors, she slid to an abrupt stop. "I need help here!" she spoke out loud, earning surprised looks from the staff going about their businesses there. Seeing the patient slung on her back, nurses started rushing close to her in a jiffy. "Please hurry up, he is in critical condition. This is an emergency." she pressed desperately, earning understanding nods from the nurse.

"I understand that miss." the nurse said reassuringly, now finally getting a good look at the bruised and beaten face of said patient. But catching a glimpse of those sun kissed hair and whisker marks on his cheeks, even her eyes turned frosty. "I'll go and see if any doctor is free, please wait right here." she said. Her voice was all too calm now, a bit too calm for Temari's tastes in fact.

Temari growled, helplessly watching her walk away without a care in the world. "What the hell's the matter with these people?!" she growled, boring holes in the retreating nurses back.

Was she the only one who was seeing how serious Naruto truly was?

Tsunade, in a coincidental turn of events, walked out from the operation theater housing an injured Chouji - and just as her eyes landed on the blonde, the unconscious one, she dropped her clipboard with a gasp before and rushing closer to him. "What happened to him?! Kami…"

Pulling her hands back with sheer will from trying to embrace the boy she adored so much, she had to crush her motherly instincts and started rushing back to an empty room in hurry. "Never mind that, bring him in the room over here."

Temari didn't need to be told twice, she followed Tsunade just as swiftly. "Shizune! Get over here, right now…!" shouted Tsunade. Shizune came stumbling in, and seeing her brother in all but blood on the bed as if he was something the cat dragged in, her eyes widened in horror. "Naruto…!" she gasped.

Tsunade slapped her cheek gently, snapping her apprentice out from the shock. "Assist me, don't fool around like this. We need to stabilize him, NOW!"

"Hai…!" Shizune agreed, pulling up her latex gloves, intent on stabilizing him as soon as she possibly could. Temari stood there oddly, having no idea what to do now. She saw Shizune and Tsunade shouting orders in the air moments before the room was frolicking with nurses, one of whom dragged her out and seated her in the waiting lounge, quite forcefully for her tastes. She sat there, waiting, covered head to toe in blood with no idea what she was supposed do or even where she currently was. Too engrossed was she in worrying for the boy who had essentially saved her little brother in more ways than one, but now, here he was, almost on the verge of death.

And all for what, that prideful Uchiha?

Her teeth clicked together in annoyance, ever since she had laid eyes on him, that prideful bastard had left a bitter taste in her mouth. But to outright abandon your village, the highest form of treason one could commit - just to get some petty revenge; he had to have been ludicrous, or suicidal even, she just couldn't place her finger on which one it truly was.

"TEMARI!" she had to wince and resist the urge to cover her ears, talk about being loud. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? AND WHY AREN'T YOU BEING TREATED FOR THAT MATTER?!" this time she did cover her ears, the screech of the fabled banshee had finally succeeded in making her do so.

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