I wonder if she will let me copy her homework I forgot to do mine.

I forgot my lunch. shit.

Damian's eyes twitched as the thoughts of his classmates drifted into his head once again, he tried to drown out the noise and focus on his friends.

"we're sorry. The appearance of the Desmond girl was big news we had to see her and you were running late..." it was Emile who spoke up for the two, he shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

Damian waved it off, "No worries. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her but I got distracted after I got off at the bus stop. Some pink-haired chick was being obnoxious."

"eh?" Ewan's eyes widened

"You WAH-WHAT!" Emile was freaking out. "Dude swear you didn't say anything stupid."

Damian stared at him weirdly, "I was polite to an extent. She was just weird so I ignored her."

"Dude..." Emile started but was cut off by the teacher walking into the class. Damian ignored the teacher and tried to read his friend's mind.

he's so screwed how did he not know-

Damian blinked in confusion everything had gone silent again, he pondered to himself wondering if it was a full moon he wasn't aware of.

"Young lady I know you didn't just walk into my class without apologizing for being late." The teacher's sharp loud voice made Damian refocus his attention to the teacher. Damian stared in disbelief there was the girl from earlier, standing confidently at the front of the class without a drop of remorse on her face instead she rolled her eyes and called out dryly,

"I'd be sorry if I cared. But I really don't. now if you'll excuse me, my feet hurt from these stupid shoes so I will be taking my seat. Thanks." She let out a huff and walked past the teacher leaving everyone with their mouths opened and wide eyes.

The teacher's eyes narrowed, "you very clearly are asking for a tonitrus bolt young lady."

The girl's eyes gleamed, "You're telling me I just had to ask for them?!?!?! Ha, this'll be a piece of cake to get expelled. I cant wait to see the headlines. Anya Desmond The Families One And Only Disappointment! I wonder what kinda face my old man would make? Oh, it'll definitely be rich that's one thing for sure." The girl- no Anya laughed to herself darkly, Damian felt his heart stop why didn't he recognize her? His mission... he can't let his father down Damian swallowed the knot forming in his throat,

"Mrs. Valley. I'm sorry it was my fault she was late. I told her the wrong way to the office I thought it would be a funny prank, I didn't mean to get her a tonitrus bolt. If you punish her you can punish me too." Damian who normally avoided her sharp gaze met her gaze head-on not backing down.

The teacher chuckled to herself, "Alright then. Since it is Ms. Desmond's first day I will be lenient this one time, however, Mr. forger since you spoke up I will be giving you a punishment instead. You are to stay after class and clean all the desks. Am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am." Damian accepted the punishment quickly, with the disruption being handled swiftly with no outbursts from the pink-haired girl class continued on.

When the lunch bell rang Damian and his friends made their way to their normal lunch table that was until a certain pink-haired girl called out to him and stopped him.

"I'm not sure what you're up to Daniel, but you won't gain anything from helping me. So don't bother." her voice was stern but Damian swore her inner voice whispered something softly.

"My name is Damian. I didn't help you to gain anything. You were new and getting a tonitrus bolt on your first day is just pathetic. Some princess you are to talk in such a blatant and crude tone." Damian mocked a smirk making its way to his face all he had to do was edge her a little further then apologize. His signature move to make girls fall for him; he called it the hot and cold, the sour before the sweet, the harm before the charm.

Anya's green eyes met his own brown ones, her expression remained emotionless, "N-e-ways Devon, a peasant like you has no idea what a princess like me is capable of so mind your business."

Anya turned on her heel and stalked away, the further she went the louder the room became, and once again Damian became lost in the thousands of voices talking all at once wishing for just a second more he could hear himself think.


I actually really enjoyed writing this, chapter two will be posted tomorrow and it will be slightly longer than it normally is. This concept made me so happy to write I'm considering writing a rewrite or parallel universe fic in addition to this one-shot series so lemme know what you think? would any of you be interested in it?

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