August 17, 1936

524 10 1

Sarah placed a cool cloth on her daughter's head as she coughed and squirmed in bed, trying and failing to get comfortable.

Steve stood in the doorway and looked worriedly at his family and said, "Is there anything I can do?"

Sarah nodded. "Fetch me a clean bowl of hot water. Hurry, Steve."

He ran off and did as his mother instructed. As he entered the room, he covered his mouth and asked, "Will she be okay?"

"I hope so. I think she's past the worst of it, but it will be awhile before her health is what it was."

A knock sounded at the door and Steve glanced back before saying, "I'll go check."

Sarah nodded and went back to tending her daughter.

Steve made his way to the door and opened it to see Bucky. "Now isn't a good time, Buck."

Bucky frowned. "Is everything okay? I haven't seen Libby for awhile and I wanted to make sure she was okay and since you're not talking, I figured I'd come by for a house call." He heard harsh coughing from the back room. "Is that her? Steve, what the hell is going on with her?" He tried to enter and Steve stopped him.

"No, stay back. You shouldn't come in."

"Why not? She's one of my best friends!" He pulled Steve's hands away.

"Buck, stop! She's got TB."

Bucky's gaze focused back on Steve. "She's got it? Is she gonna be okay? If I lose her... If you lose her-"

"Mom thinks she's past the worst of it, but it's going to take her awhile to recuperate."

"Will you tell her I stopped by? And, uh, maybe I'll come back with flowers or something. For, you know, something bright to see." He shook his head. "That sounded stupid."

A small smile crossed Steve's face. "You like her."

"Are you gonna tell me off?"

"No. But if you hurt her, I'll knock the crap outta you."

A wry smile crossed Bucky's face. "Yeah, sure. She still likes roses, right?"

"Pink. It you can find them. Just leave 'em outside the door and I'll let her know you stopped by."

"Thanks." He glanced inside before looking back at Steve. "I hope she gets better soon and that you and your mom don't get it."

Steve nodded. "I appreciate that. I'll see you soon, Buck."

Bucky left the apartment and made his way to a local outdoor market. To his delight, he found pink roses and bought them.

He pulled out a small piece of paper and borrowed a pen.



He made his way back to the Rogers' apartment and placed the flowers outside the door. He knocked and the door opened again. This time Sarah opened it.

She smiled when she saw the flowers. "Thank you, Bucky. I know Libby will appreciate these."

Bucky nodded. "It's the least I can do. I'll see you around."

Sarah waved before picking up the flowers and closed the door behind her.

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