September 2, 1930

672 11 2

[I'm changing things slightly regarding Joseph Rogers. In the MCU, he dies in 1918 due to a mustard gas attack. He's still dying from the exposure, but I'm choosing it to be cancer in 1922 from the exposure instead due to Elisabeth's age/birthdate.

Hope you enjoy!]

Bucky was walking by when he noticed a boy and a girl getting beat up by other kids.

The boy was shielding the girl who had a black eye.

Instantly, his lips pursed and he went to defend the two.

Bucky punched the bullies and said, "Get lost, and never ever hit a lady. Pick on someone your own size!"

The boy frowned lightly as he said, "Libby and I were handling it."

"Yeah, sure. Is she okay? Are you?"

Elisabeth nodded. "We're fine. We've had worse."

"How've you had worse? This looks pretty bad already."

She ignored him and pulled her brother up. "Come on, Steve. We should get going."

Steve pulled his arm away and held out his hand. "I'm Steve Rogers and this is my younger sister Libby."

Bucky shook Steve's hand, then smiled at Elisabeth. "My name is James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky."

"Why?" Elisabeth asked as she crossed her arms.

"My middle name is Buchanan." He chuckled softly. "My folks really liked President James Buchanan. I don't understand why." He stepped closer to Elisabeth. "You're bleeding."

Elisabeth touched her head wincing slightly as her fingertips brushed the sticky liquid. "Like I told you, I've had worse. Oh, if my mother sees this..."

"Maybe we can clean you up a little. Hey, you're in my sister's class, right?"

She studied him and frowned, her eyes widened slowly. "You're Rikki's brother!"

"Yeah. Can't believe I didn't make that connection until now."

"Well, I won't blame you for being slow." She turned to her brother. "Steve, are you okay?"

Steve nodded. "Yeah. You shouldn't have come to my defense, Libby."

"And let my big brother get beat up? No way."

"You got hurt, Elisabeth."

"A black eye and a bleeding temple are nothing. They'll heal."

"You know what Mom will say."

"Well, then we should clean me up enough that she hopefully doesn't see."

As they left to clean the siblings up from the fight, it never occurred to the three that their chance encounter would bring about something not a single one of them could dream.

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