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"Great! I'll need you to sign this and this..."

How did she end up with a television show director and a writer with Lee Felix next to her? (Y/N) didn't even know how she got into this mess, but backtracking to her previous moments today...

Looking around Soul Cup cafe, she was supposed to meet up with Felix. It's not important that I know the rest, only Felix I suppose...were her thoughts when coming inside the cafe unprecedented by staff. Was it really unprecedented when she was a regular in the place? No matter, all it was is for work anyways and it still is.

Seeing a certain artificial blonde sitting down scrolling on his phone, (Y/N) walked towards him and gave a small grunt to indicate that she's here. He looked at the familiar face, stood up, and bowed at the woman and after doing so, he offered to sit down as he sat. She placed her hand out and smiled at him. God, do I have to work with this angel? She asked. Both parties shook hands.

Angel. That was the word that best describes him, and whether it was public or not, he was still the same. It perplexed (Y/N) and she swore this man had something to hide if he's that nice—every person does. Felix was known to bring doughnuts or coffee for the staff whenever they went. Heck, he even bakes brownies and cookies for them. He's quite the shy one, and that Han Jisung too. That guy puts on an energetic façade. (Y/N) noted.

"You must be Ms. Lee right? I'm glad you accepted the show proposal." He beamed. "The director and screenwriter will be here soon. Order whatever you like, I'll pay."

(Y/N) shook her head, not willing to be paid for. Yes, she accepted the show because of its large pay-off but it was going to be hard work anyways and, yes, she always drank those drinks and snacks Felix brought for them but it was just different and she didn't really like the thought of it now that they were actually co-workers. No, scratch that, co-workers in proximity.

"I'll pay for myself. Thanks." She placed an order for the regular drink she gets—the staff already knew—and scrolled through her phone trying to ignore Felix.

"Tell me about yourself, that way we could be more acquainted by the time they come."

(Y/N) hated small talk but she supposed it was the start of something. That something is still disclosed though, whether its hatred or friendship she didn't know. Sighing before replying, she looked at the Australian and felt breathless. It's the first time she faced Felix and no wonder these girls liked him, he was the definition of innocence. Well, obviously not within the mindset but his facial features spoke innocence to her, in a way and in a sense. His freckles were—how would you say it—like it was meant to be there rather than mistakes. But of course, it's just a face. (Y/N) still did not like Stray Kids and especially Felix, nothing could change her mind. Not even his features that girls revere so much. She straightened herself up and cleared her throat.

"I used to live in the province but times are tough now and I needed some cash because I grew tired of asking my parents help. Here I am now." She said the latter quite bitterly, as if she did not want to be in this situation ever.

Felix was silent but nodding telling the woman to continue. He'd rather listen than intervene with her story.

There was a lull between them.

"That's it." She finalized. (Y/N) didn't want to reveal any of the details that entrails her life. They were co-workers, not friends; She's his anti-fan and not his admirer.

"Hi! Sorry to intervene." A petite woman and an older guy had approached them. The woman looked adorable with her uncontrollable curls and large frames that she kept on pushing up, and the man seemed a bit...fruity in a way. They both placed folders in front of their faces and smiled. "Here's the manuscript, the title is kind of tentative but hopefully you'll get the gist of it!"

(Y/N) read its contents and internally gasped, she wanted to cry so badly reading everything and its detail. She definitely wanted to back out now, but she couldn't.

Heart Attack: My Greatest Love Stresses Me Out Season One starring Lee Felix and Lee (Y/N). A staff and an idol from the same entertainment get three months to understand each other to see each other's shoes and get to decide whether they say yes or no in the end.

It seemed horrible—no, it IS horrible for (Y/N). She gazed at Felix who was chuckling at the whole idea of the show and closed the folder looking at the director and writer.

"Does this mean I'll be holding his hand and what not?!" (Y/N) seemed distressed as the two nodded and smiled.

"Yes! Didn't you read the agreement that the manager showed you? It's all allowed by JYP entertainment despite their strict no-dating policy." The writer smiled and looked at both of them, Felix seemed to enjoy the scene meanwhile the woman next to him was panicking as if it was a nightmare. "I know you've signed the papers, but we'll be needing to let you sign again stating that you've read the script, agree with it, and that you will be charged a fee if you back out from the project."

Fee?! Now (Y/N) was stuck in this. She can't escape no matter how she wanted to. Karma is a bitch after all.

In an attempt, (Y/N) tried to ask for the fee and she successfully did only to have regret in the end.

"Well, the fee would be 30 percent of the profit that would be generated from this show. But only if you back out—it's in the papers." The woman smiled and (Y/N) returned it with a less sincere one. "So we have an agreement?"

(Y/N) sighed and nodded, Felix let out a word of confirmation and thus pens were dancing as well as the soul of (Y/N) trying to leave out of her body.

"Great! I'll need you to sign this and this..."

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