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The clueless (Y/N) aggressively asked. In her case, it would be extremely confusing when the manager himself took her as an assistant. Those old men have something to do with this, it's too sketchy. Still the skeptic, she did not trust the words that fell from the senior in front of her.

"Is it alright? You need to be acquainted with the boys." No, it's not. She wanted to spit that out but declining this opportunity to finally work in the establishment and get a stable salary. Against her own will, she agreed.

"Great," he perked up. "you can start now. They're free today."

Great, another burden. (Y/N) soon got her bag, settling her composure to understand the whole gist of what was happening. With the manager leading her to her own demise, she sees eight Korean men—some were on their phones while others were practicing their dancing so they could be better.

"As you know, we'll be having the intern as my assistant."

Curiosity filled their minds as they stood up bowing out of respect, one of them pulled out their hand to shake. The first facial feature you'd notice would not have been his handsomeness but how bulky the man is. Chan basically towered her despite her stature and his height. A fake smile exchanged with a genuine one.

"Welcome! I hope we're not too much for you."

"You're too much already..." (Y/N) whispered and looked around while shaking his hand nonchalant.

He tilted his head in curiosity, Chan had definitely heard her remark. "What's that?"

"Oh, you know...nothing."

The manager walked her around leaving the boys with their thoughts then teasing the ever-so-gentle Felix. They knew the true reason why (Y/N) had been indicted and their first impression of her was great despite the few words exchanged towards each other. They saw her sometimes in Soul Cup working with piles of paper and not once that they saw her that she smiled.

"You know what Lix," Jisung started. "I'm kind of jealous now that I didn't pick up that show proposal."

Minho rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as if to judge the man. "You're the one who said it looked cheesy."

As Jisung was about to argue, Changbin swooped in holding Felix on his side and looked at him like it was a man-to-man talk.

"Good luck Felix, I'll miss you on that trip." Changbin said with a voice sounding as if he was in the verge of crying. It was like seeing his best friend go to college but, well, it's not that worse since it's just a variety show.

"Hopefully, she doesn't give you a hard time. We all know she hates us." Seungmin joked.

"You guys, I'm really thankful for the support and all but don't worry, I don't think she'll really do anything bad to me." Felix said. Ever the optimist. The men looked at Felix who was all grown up now and hugged him. They were definitely gonna miss this ball of sunshine.


"I just need you to, erm..." The manager looked around as if he didn't want to really tell her. He knew it felt scummy but work is work. "...sign this agreeing to join the shooting for—"

"I did not agree with a shooting." She stood up against the man and crossed her arms to judge his character. It was lucky (Y/N) did not even stared him to death.

"Please (Y/N), you're our last hope. It's been seven weeks and the boys are weeks behind their schedule. If not for the company then at least for them." He pleaded. She didn't see a man this desperate to beg in front of her. She truly felt pity on him.

(Y/N) thought it through. If I were to join, I'd have a paid vacation and an all expenses paid trip to wherever the shooting wants to go. Sounds nice, and I ought to find a new pace. She argued for what seemed to be hours, and after it, (Y/N) had her answer all along.

"Does it mean I still get paid...?"

The manager nodded. "Your pay from our company and the show are two completely different cheques."

"If I may ask, how much?" (Y/N) felt like scum after asking how much it would give her but it didn't matter, it was her time being wasted after all.

"Well, since you're officially a member of our entertainment, your salary would increase twice the amount it was—it should be. As for the show, it averages from a few million won per episode. There should be 10. It's not a lot, honestly, but—"

"...But I accept!" She shouted. Hearing that a few million won should compensate her pretty well and even with pay from the company? God, should this be a dream then I will smite you to death. She prayed but more so threatened.

The man looked dumbfounded but still happy at the sudden revelation that the girl found. At least his bosses won't be too angry at him anymore. Pulling out papers to sign, (Y/N) was humming a tune to a forgotten song. She was that happy. It took thirty minutes as she had to read the NDA and all sorts of boring junk that she was used to reading as an intern. All of her hard work truly paid off.

"That's all, sir." She said, taking a stand and bowed.

He took a hand out to shake, they did, and the older man had smiled at her. "Thank you, really. I'll pick you up with Felix tomorrow. I did mention he's going to be your partner in the show."

(Y/N) flinched when she heard the name and knew it was too good to be true. She really thought this whole paradise given to her would have been an easy get but it failed her. She had to spend time with the man she found cringe from his voice to his attitude that was probably designed by the company.

"Ah, yes. Thank you again."

And when the manager left her sight she punched the air wanting to back out despite already being in. Don't worry, (Y/N), we're just about to go to the exciting part.

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