Harmione/Harmony (Harry and Hermione)

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No. Just no. Harry and Hermione saw each other as siblings. The only reason people ship this crap is because Steve Kloves does and therefore he wrote random scenes into the movies. Like the one where they dance in Deathly Hallows. He also consistently writes Ron as an idiot and Hermione as a flawless goddess, which she isn't. He also gives all Ron's good lines to Hermione. Like in Prisoner.
"If you want to kill Harry you'll have to get through us." Said RON STANDING ON BROKEN BONES TO A MAN HE THOUGHT WAS A MURDERER.
Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.


Edit 16/10/2022

I will accept Harmione in WiHwiS? (What if Harry was in Slytherin?).

My Opinion on Harry Potter ShipsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt