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(The Sakura witch's loyal Dragon

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(The Sakura witch's loyal Dragon. I am open to art commissions)

"Have you come after me!? A-And is that a dragon?!" Rook asked in absolute shock.

"'COURSE! Must be outta yer mind if ya didn't think I was comin'! I ain't lettin' ya go by yerself! I'm 'ere, too!" Epel shouted over to Rook.

"Ooh-la-la! You mustn't, Monsieur Cherry Apple! It is too dangerous!" Rook called back.

"Same goes fer ya! Nuthin' could 'it those bastards' armor! If ya dun stop, I'll knock ya off if I 'ave to!! I'll set fire to yer broom!" Epel threatened.

"I have a better idea," Y/n smiled," Cerasus Flores, fetch!"

The Dragon's feathers fluffed up in excitement. And with one powerful flap of its wings, the Dragon instantly closed the distance between them and Rook. The Dragon swiftly reached out its talons and snatched the hunter in midair.

"I give up! I understand, I surrender!!" Rook screamed." let us land somewhere for now."

" No funny business," Y/n glared. 

"Let us talk over this calmly. Moreover, your bodies will grow cold if you continue flying in such garments. Come, your lips are turning blue. I will not run from you anymore," Rook said he began to feel the squeeze from the dragons grip.

With a gentle pat the dragon released Rook, as the hunter got back on his broom. Leading the group to a nearby island to warm up.


"Brr... So cold...!" Epel shivered by the fire.

"Your hands are ice cold, too. Worry not, I will light a fire for us. I'm so glad I brought some hot tea with me. Come and have a drink. It'll warm you right up," Rook offered.

"Uh, this isn't cursed or anything, right...? Surely, you wouldn't drug us so you could run off," Epel stared with suspicion. 

"If he did he wouldn't get far," Y/n yawned as she patted her loyal dragon's snout.

" Perish the thought! I do not have any special tools with me, so curses are out of the question. I do not possess Vil's skills, mind you," Rook explained with a smile.

Y/n simple sat by the fire, while Epel took the drink. The two getting warm none the less as Rook admired the dragon.

"You truly surprised me. I never expected for you to chase after me. Not on a beautiful dragon non the less," Rook awed.

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