Special Ch. Part 2

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As the darkness faded as the light slowly overcame. Y/n's awareness slowly came back as they could hear many voices around them.

"Are you sure you didn't kill them?" A voice asked.

"Of course, I did not Kill my spouse," Said another voice.

"Well, you certainly frighten them,"

"Why wouldn't they, we just kidnapped them,"

"Shut up Duece, you don't even what you're talking about,"

"Whatever Ace,"

Y/n slowly opened their eyes to see skeletons and corpses all staring down at them. They gasp awake as they tried to back away from the crowd, yet were stopped as they bumped into two figures behind them. Both were wearing Kingdom of Rose attendant attire.

"You're not trying to ditch the wedding party are you?" asked the one with long orange hair.

"Wedding party? What are you talking about?!" Y/n panicked.

"Your's and Prince Riddles of course," Smiled a green-haired attendant.

"Indeed, you have said your vows so perfectly," Said a familiar corpse.

Y/n gasped as they looked down their ring on Riddle's skeletal finger.

"My name is Riddle Rosehearts, Prince of the kingdom of Roses. As my spouse, you must obey the laws of the Queen of Hearts just like a card soldier. First, start with a greeting," Riddle said simply.

"W-what are you t-talking about-"

"No. Speak more nicely. Don't twiddle your fingers. Turn out your toes, and curtsy! Open your mouth a little wider!" Riddle ordered.

"Where am I? Who are any of you!?" Y/n screamed.

"W-well, That is a bit of a long story," Said a corpse with short orange-haired.

"And what a story it is, a tragic tale of Romance, power, and a murder most foul," Said an Octo-mer Corpse behind the bar.

"Azul!" Riddle growled.

"Our young prince, wanted nothing more to become the next Queen of hearts. Yet according to the laws of the Kingdom, He needs to find his king first," Azul Smirked.

"Azul! Mind your business!" Riddle ordered.

"So he married a very ambitious man. And to Tradition, the new Queen and king travel across the land to be presented to all the kingdoms. On the last kingdom, Pyroxene, the king asked to spend some quality time alone," Azul continued. " Then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree

On a dark foggy night at a quarter to three, He was ready to go, but where was he?"

"And then?" Asked a tall teal hair corpse.

"He waited,"

"And then?" Asked an identical teal hair corpse.

"There in the shadows, was it his King?"

"And then?"

"His little heartbeat so loud,"

"And then?"

"And then baby, everything went black

Now when He opened his eyes he was dead as dust

His jewels were missing and His heart was bust

So He made a vow lying under that tree

That He'd wait for His true love to come set Him free.

Always waiting for someone to ask for His hand

When out of the blue comes this groovy young man/women

Who vows forever to be by His side

And that's the story of our own corpse bride," Azul smiled.

Riddle just glared at the octopus man with his clouded grey eyes, when Ace Pointed out that Y/n ran off a few minutes ago.

"Why didn't you stop them!" Riddle shouted. " Go find them."


Y/n ran in a panic as they tried to find a way back to the world of the living. As they ran, they could hear the fast footsteps searching for them.

"Boy your Boy/girlfriend sure is flighty," Ace whined.

"They are not my Boy/girlfriend, they are my spouse," Riddle said sternly. " Just keep an eye out for them."

"There!" Trey pointed.

"Nice Trey," Cater smiled as he smack Trey's back hard. Causing Trey's one eye to pop out. " Sorry."

Trey sighed as he popped it back into its socket. " Please be careful, I only have this one,"


Y/n was soon caught by Trey and Deuce and dragged back to Riddle. Who was sitting on a bench on a balcony that overlooked the town. The dead prince was sitting with a present on his lap, waiting for his spouse to be brought to him.

"Just sit and hear him out," Trey said as He gently pushed Y/n to sit next to Riddle.

The attendants left the two alone, as the "wedded" sat in awkward silence.

"Here, It is the tradition of my home to give a gift to my spouse. To welcome them," Riddle said as he looked away and Gave Y/n the gift.

Y/n slowly opened the box, only to gasp to see it was just a pile of bones.

"Um, I mean, Thank you very much, your majesty," Y/n smiled nervously.

The box suddenly began to tremble and shake as the box dumped out the bones. The bones quickly came together to form a cat skeleton. Y/n looked down at the collar around its neck, Reading 'Grim'.

"Grim? It's my cat Grim!" Y/n smiled, as Grim jumped onto their lap.


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