"It is never too late for Her Majesty" Belthazor snapped

"You know when time prevails old friend, there's nothing that can be done and all will be lost" Ara said rather calmly

"Bless us, your eminence so we may, if not the least find peace in our journey to the underworld" Ari said bowing back at her feet again.

"You are blessed" she didn't know where that came from, the sudden pride that made her chest swell nor the words that had just left her mouth.

"We thank her eminence for seeing it fit to bless damned creatures like us..." They bowed and left.

"Who are you?" She heard General's voice say fainty. He was barely standing, his knees weak and shaking while maxwell sat on the earth's cold floor- he too had awaken.

Present day.

"You may enter"

Othel walked into the throne room- as she did, she could feel the intense stare of the council. She couldn't exactly place what they were feeling but she knew what ever it was, it was against her odds.

"Speak your name, maiden from the west" she heard one of the elders say.
"I am Othel, the seventh daughter of the seventh king of the seventh kingdom and the rightful queen of the seventh kingdom" she said as she took out her family's crest.
Gasps filled the room, "it cannot be" a voice a rose.

"Well it is" General snapped. "What she says is true. She is Her majesty, Othel, rightful queen of the seventh kingdom" he added.

General rose up from his seat, and so did the elders. He took of his helmet and held it in his right hand... Then he bowed- they all did.

"Your majesty" they said in chorus.


"Today you will become the queen you were fated to become. But our war doesn't just stand her your grace, Hell awaits you too."

"Am i crowned to two kingdoms?" She asked

"Two worlds" he answered softly "in time, all the kinds of the world- mystical or not would have to answer to you Oh you Queen of kings, every single creature will answer to you no matter how small or how grave"

"And i must save them all?" She asked again

"Yes your eminence"

"How belthazor, tell me. How can i save everyone from the worlds?"

"That my queen, is what i do not know. But, what I know is this; the fates have foretold it and their word never fails"

She nodded. "But there is something you must know about the war, the dark north, the death of your parents and so much more"

"Do tell me" she obliged

"Nay, you must ask General. He would have answers to all your questions" he added.

"I shall ask him then"

"Your grace" he bowed


"Yes, your eminence?"

"Will you be there when i am crowned? I want you to be by my side, like you've always been. This doesn't feel right without you"

He smiled. And like thunder in the skies, her heart shook. Maybe if it were loud enough, he would have heard it. She had never seen him genuinely smile; it wasn't like the perfect Prince Charming killer smile, nor was it filled with rainbows or sunshine. It reeked of venom, and somehow she found her self to love it.

"I will always be there, all you have to do is summon me. And like an obedient dog, i will come running to your call" he said staring intensely in her eyes.

"He has never looked at me that way" she thought. "Very well then, i will see you there" she managed to say.

He bowed again before taking his leave.

"My queen i am dearly sorry, but there are things from the fates that i cannot say. How can i look at those silvery-grey eyes and tell her that there must be sacrifices, how can i tell her that she must give up her humanity for the sake of the worlds?" He thought. "She cannot know, she mustn't know and when the time comes I'll be the one to tell her myself"


My my my, what a chapter innit?🙃
Lmao, I don't even have words for you guys 😭
Anyways, please ignore my
•grammar lagoons
•typing errors
Blah blah blah, y'all know the usual 💆🏽‍♀️

Xoxo 💋

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