Part 4- The date

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Dr Phil's POV

Once we got to the amusement park we stood in line waiting to buy tickets

"Thank you" I said as we got are tickets

"You know, you didn't have to buy my ticket..." I said feeling a little guilty that I made this hottie pay for my ticket

"It's fine, plus I'm the one who asked you here and it would be rude not to , plus I wouldn't want to make a cutie like you pay for your own ticket" shrek said with smirk on his face

I was blushing so much, I looked away because I didn't want shrek to see me

"T-thanks" I stuttered a low voice

"So what do you want to do first" shrek asked me

"Hmm w-well how about bumper cars?" I asked

"Sure! But can we go on that roller coaster after?" Shrek asked

"How about we do that at the end" I said trying to make him forget about it knowing i was scared of heights

"Sure" he replied

The whole time we were there was amazing. We went on a lot of rides and played some games, Shrek even won me a teddy bear! Overall it was going well

"It's getting dark we should get going" I said

"Wait a minute, you said that we could ride the roller coaster before we left" he said

"R-right, let's go wait in line then" we then walked to the line and stood for about 2-3 minutes while talking about anything. it was like anything talked about was important, time seemed to stop when I was with him...

When we got on the coaster I was freaking out, but I tried not to say or show anything. When the coaster started moving my heart was pounding so fast. I'm pretty sure that shrek noticed because he looked at me and grabbed my hand, intertwining are fingers. His hand was SO soft, HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO PERFECT, it was like all my problems melted away

shreks POV

I looked over at Phil we was shaking. I grabbed his hand it so soft and gentle. He seemed to calm down a little. As the coaster went up he tightened his grip on my hand, I gently rubbed of my thumb on the back of his hand and he seemed to relax

When the ride was over we got off not letting go of holding hands

"Why didn't you tell me you were scared of heights?" I said worriedly As we walked to the exit gate

"Sorry I didn't want to ruin it for you but I did anyways..." he said sadly as we existed the amusement park

"No, you didn't ruin anything" I said walking a little farther

"I completely ruined it" he said

I stopped walking and he looked at me confused. I grabbed his other hand so we were facing each other

"Look at me" I said sternly. He looked up at me. There was no one around

"You didn't ruin anything... actually you made it better" I said

"W-what do you mean?" He said confused

I leaned forward and so our lips connected. He was startled at first but then kissed back. It was amazing, our lips fit together so perfectly. after about 30 seconds he pulled away gasping for air

"Th-that was amazing..."he said still gasping for air

"I-I know" I said

" you know it's getting late how about you sleep over at my place?" I asked

"That sounds nice" he said smiling

As we continued to walk to my place holding hands in comfortable silence
605 words
Have a nice day/night

That day I met you  (shrek x dr phil)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن