Chapter 5: Unknown number

Start from the beginning

George closed his eyes. He didn't possess the energy to respond. His head was pounding, and he felt like a complete failure. Why didn't he fight back against the water? Why had he just accepted death?

"I sorry, guys." He finally said, eyes still closed. One hand was placed on each of his shoulders. He opened his eyes and saw Karl worryingly studying his face .

"George, seriously, you've done nothing wrong." The brunette said. That might be true, but it sure as hell felt like he had failed.

Karl then placed George's backpack in his lap. "I got this from the café." George gave him a thankful look. He opened it and took out his phone. It was nearly five pm. That when it hit him, he was supposed to be working. He checked his notifications and saw twelve missed calls from his boss.

"Shit." He mumbled. Sapnap gave him a questioning look.

"I was supposed to work after school today." The pair stared at him in pure disbelief.


Sapnap shook his head. "You nearly died and you're worried that you missed your shift? And no offense, but have you seen yourself? You're basically one big bruise." George turned on his camera to look at his reflection. The bruise on his jaw was just as ugly as before. The difference was that it was now accompanied by tons of scratches and smaller bruises. A sharp pain suddenly erupted from his arm. He rolled up the sleeve on his black hoodie. A semi-deep cut that was still bleeding was draped across his lower arm. It needed to be stitched.

Karl's eyes widened when he saw the cut. "Geez, you really need to go to the hospital." George pulled the sleeve down and shrugged it off. "Don't worry, my mom's a nurse." Both guys appeared relieved by this fact, and it wasn't a lie. Although George assumed that he would have to fix it himself.

He tried to stand up, despite the protest from every muscles. But eventually he managed.

"Well, I need to get home but thank you for saving me from... drowning I guess." George said and gave them weak smile. Sapnap wrapped and arm around his shoulders for a second. "Of course, mate. Do you need a ride home?"

George body sure thought that he needed it, but George didn't want to appear too needy and both guys had done more than enough for him, so he declined and said that he lived close by, which wasn't a complete lie either.

The trio walked back to the café where they parted. George saw how Karl grabbed Sapnap's hand as they wandered away. He couldn't understand how someone could be that comfortable openly showing affection. He blamed it on the bad experiences he had back in England about being gay. He hoped that they one day would falter, and George could find someone to share the same type of love that Karl and Sapnap had.

The walk home was painful, but the greeting he received from his mom was even worse. She was of course drunk and was screaming from the moment he entered the house. Her words were slurred but he understood that she was upset over the missing nasal spray and that the school had informed her about George's absence last period. 

The energy to defend himself was nonexistent. He was dripping wet, and every breath hurt. So, he just stood there and accepted the scolding. It lasted approximately ten minutes before his mom collapsed on the sofa. 

Thereafter he snuck into the bathroom, silently not to anger his mom further. On the highest bathroom shelf, George found his mom's first aid kit. With trembling hands, George pulled out  tread and a needle as well as numbing cream. Then George proceeded to rinse the wound with alcohol to hinder infections before applying  numbing cream around the cut. Ten minutes passed later and it was time to begin. He put a towel between his teeth in preparation for the inevitable pain.

Seven stitches later with a thick layer of sweat covering his body, George was done. He took a cold shower, put gauze around the stiches and examined the rest of his body. A few bruises here and there but nothing too bad. His face was the worst part. Starting from his mouth and reaching all the way back to his ear was a big purple bruise.

He sighed and headed to bed. Every ounce of the energy had left his body. He barely registered that he got a text. He groaned in pain as he reached for his phone.

How are you?

It took a while to figure out who the mysterious person could be. Then it clicked, though he didn't want to assume too much.

How's this?

The typing bubble popped up and disappeared a few times before he got a text that confirmed his suspicion.

It's Dream
Or Clay, I mean

The guy meant well, but George was too tired to engage in any deeper conversation.

I'm fine.

If Dream responded or not was unclear, because after George pressed sent, he felt how his eyes were begging him for sleep. So, he caved and darkness consumed him once again. Only this time it wasn't because he was drowning.

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