"New York guys are a different breed."

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We get to the restaurants and it is fancy all right. 10 points for Aaron for picking a swanky place to impress Shiv.

Shiv looks amazing of course - she was tall and had a willow form. She was all limbs and a fall of dark sable hair. But it was my friend's energetic energy that made you feel like you were climbing up a roller coaster, resting at the highest point before you fell.

She was an adventure and a thousand stories wrapped in her chic long sleeved dress.

We headed to the hostess, who confirmed that Aaron was waiting at the table.

Shiv hugged me. "Thank you again for this!" She turned to the hostess. "Do you mind if my friend sits at the bar so she can observe my date? We gotta be extra careful these days, you know."

The hostess chuckles. "Trust me, I understand. New York guys are a different breed."

We laughed.

The hostess looks around and nods. "It looks like there is one spot left at the bar. It's all yours." She smiles at me. "And you, ma'am, I'll escort you to your table."

"Thank you," Shiv says, sneaking me one last smile before following her.

I watch my friend go with a smile as I make my way to the bar. Just as the hostess said, there was one seat left between an older couple and a man in a suit.

The older couple were facing each other in what looked like a deep conversation and with the nearly empty glasses on the bar, it appeared they were quite tipsy.

The lone man with dark hair was on his phone, a nearly empty glass of whisky to his left.

I took a deep breath and fought through the awkwardness. I leaned over to the man and said, "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

The man brought his head up slightly, his expression disinterested. "No, go ahead." And then he looked at me, his dark blue eyes on mine.

I felt my face grow hot at his gaze. He was a handsome man. A very handsome. His skin was as brown as mine, maybe lighter with a golden hue. His dark hair was thick and curled at the ends. His beard was shaved close and from this close, I could smell his cool, sandalwood and smokey scent.

He blinked at me. The man took me in and I felt even more awkward than before. I suddenly felt self-conscious and smiled slightly. "Great, thank you."

I pulled the barstool back, and sat down. Leaning down, I found a hook for my purse. Satisfied, I looked up and saw that I could clearly see my friend and her date at the other side of the restaurant.

Taking out my phone - I saw I had two messages. One from Ahmed saying we should go to Trader's Joes tomorrow to get more snacks. And one from Shiv, which was a winky face and eggplant emoji.

I smirked at the eggplant emoji and put my phone down.

"I'm not sure if this is a reality or a dream."

Startled at that, I looked at the man next to me. "What did you say?"

The man's eyes were bright and there was a small, mischievous smile on his lips. "I mean, I'm just sitting here, having a dreadful day and then you," he waves his hand at me, I spy tattoos on his forearms, "come in and bless me with your presence."

"Oh, my gosh." I chuckle, not really sure what to say to that. From the look in his eyes, he looked like he was being honest but still–what a thing to say to a stranger!

"I mean it. What brings you in today? Do you want a drink?" The man signals the bartender, he starts to head over.

"Oh, thank you." I smile at the bartender. "May I please have a tequila soda with lime."

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