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Aiko wanted to match outfits that day.
Y/n did not.
So they ended up only matching tops, Aiko wearing a blue tie dye crop top with jeans, Y/n wore her favourite blue tie dye zip up hoodie with baggy denims.

They were planning on going to a west African restaurant as a goodbye celebration. Albeit, it felt nothing like a celebration. As of right now, they were considering calling Hinata over with them.

"Do you think he'd drop his volleyball practice just to say goodbye to someone he barely hangs out with? We aren't that close—" Y/n frowned looking for her last stash of cash.
She was planning on paying for the lunch today. Though she wasn't going to let her friend know until last minute to avoid further complications.

"Yeah, I just talked to him. He's on his way to the location with Kageyama." her friend rolled her eyes at her grabbing her hand to catch the bus.

"Kageyama's coming too?" she asked, quietly fiddling with her wallet's keychain. Y/n looked up at her with a worried gleam in her eyes, "He's a little scary."

Aiko grinned grabbing her wallet from her hand since Y/n hadn't brought one. She says it's 'boring to keep track of'.

"I'm sure you'll be fine kiddo."

It's just one damned year...

When the bus arrived to the stop, they boarded it, taking the empty seats in the back.

"How's it going with Ren?"  She decided to bring up the guy her friend had been talking to for the past week.

Aiko smiled in thought of her latest crush, "Oh he actually asked me out before yesterday...I told him I had to say goodbye to you so we might be going tomorrow?"

Y/n blinked at her, "you're saying all of this like it's nothing."

"Well now that he asked me out..."

She smacked her face sinking back into her seat. "Koa can't just lead people on like that."

"I wasn't! He's really nice and it did feel nice when we kissed but now I just don't know if I want this." She stated crossing her arms as if she made a valid point.

"You kissed?! Aiko! You have to tell him! I haven't even had my first kiss out here."

She bit her lip in thought, "I'll do it after the first date. Then I'll tell him."

Y/n didn't answer knowing all too well she wouldn't be able to change her mind.

In Y/n's first year, Aiko had gone through a huge breakup. As in, ridiculous Wattpad story breakup. And after that, something in her friend changed. Nothing too drastic. Just that she couldn't seem to be able to actually like someone again. Yes, people piqued her interest, and they were always interested back, but after either a confession, first date, or kiss, Y/n never saw them again.

Maybe she murdered them.

Out of nowhere, she decided, "I hope you properly fall in love one day." She declared.

"Gosh you act like I never have feelings for anyone- I should be the one saying that. Y/n, I hope you truly fall in love one day." She turned the tables not looking up from her phone.

"Wha- I like Daichi- you know this."

Aiko shut her phone and rolled her eyes, "Yeah but you don't look like you're intoxicated by him. You don't like him so much that you have him on your mind 24/7. You don't have trouble sleeping at night because you just can't stop thinking about him.
You didn't try to start up a real conversation with him to actually try and be something more."

Y/n shifted awkwardly, sucking on her cheeks, "Who hurt you?" She asked in a half joking manner.

Aiko stared out of the window sighing, "you know who."

For the rest of the time Y/n played Genshin too involved in the game to notice their stop had arrived.

"Y/n- goodness get off of your phone, its our stop." Aiko breathed in when she saw her friend still playing Genshin impact.

"I just need to finish this.." she trailed off as her friend had to drag her to the restaurant.

"Finally. Hinata! Kags! Over here!" She waved her arms around like it was her last resort.

Unbeknownst to the two girls, the boys 'accidentally' brought the whole volleyball team with them.

"Thanks for coming Hinata and Kage-you're all here!" She panicked after shutting her phone and looking up to see a bunch of guys looking at them. Her eyes trailed over to where Daichi stood. Trying her very best to look anywhere but in his direction.

"Yeah of course! It was only the last hour of practice anyways! Plus who knows when we'll see ya' again!" The short redhead rubbed his neck with a close-eyed smile.

What a vibrant smile.

Daichi stressed a smile at her, "Suga, Tsukishima, Asahi and Tanaka couldn't make it though. They're really sorry."

She gulped at him and shook her head, not wanting him to worry, "no it's fine! I'm honestly surprised you guys came too, we barely hung out." she said gesturing at Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama and Ennoshita.

They took a seat at a booth and ordered their food. While waiting, Everyone started talking about the Tokyo training camp that was coming up pretty soon, as Y/n drifted away in a sea of thoughts.

She asked her mother if it was possible to go to Nekoma as a school and her mother agreed without even looking into it. She was happy and nervous about going to the same school as Kenma. But It really wasn't that big of a deal.

As if reading her mind, Kageyama asked,
"Hey L/n, Which school will you go to?"

She fell out of her daze and looked at him, "I'm hoping Nekoma."

Nodding his head, he went back to eating his food.

Nishinoya overheard them talking and chirped in, "They're one of the teams we'll be playing against and we're going to wipe the floor with them. You're our enemy now L/n!" He gave her a wide smile to show her he was only kidding.

"Well if it's going to be that way Nishinoya, bring it on." She squinted her eyes at him with a challenging look. The two bickered for a while Hinata occasionally siding with Nishinoya about beating Nekoma.

"I think you should join a club Y/n. It's time you broaden your horizons. Meet new people. Learn a new skill, adopt a hobby." Aiko said to her friend, taking a sip of her warm lemon water.

"Maybe I will." She frowned remembering how she wanted to play volleyball in her first year. But when she walked into the tryouts and saw all those people playing so well, she gave up.
Which she now regrets.

"You could play volleyball," Daichi and Ennoshita said at the same time.

"They have this setter! Kenma? He's nice! I think you'd get along really well. You're both alike! He hangs out with this bigger guy, a rooster-head captain. He's a little intimidating." Hinata started rambling on making the team laugh at him.

The rest of the day went by fast. They had eaten then walked around in a park for a little while. She wasn't able to pay for all of them, so everyone payed for themselves. Y/n and Nishinoya got closer and he agreed to come visit her with the rest of the team. She actually got closer to all of them. She would mark the day as a success.

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