Chapter Fourty - One

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When Ariel woke up the next morning she knew today was the day she was going to get answers about their "family secrets" and it worked out great cause last night Alice said she was planning to do this big art piece on an abandoned warehouse wall in Brooklyn. She would be gone for hours. Certainly enough time to grill their parents and find the information that she so rightfully deserved

"Hey Ari, I'm leaving now, I should be back sometime in the evening" hollered Alice as she left her sister to create a piece fit for the history books. Ariel waited till Alice had exited the garage on her bike before putting her plan in motion. After Ariel was sure her sister was gone she FaceTimed her mom.

"Hey mom, is now a bad time," asked Ariel as she scanned her mom's office for anything suspicious-looking. "I always have time for my girls, so what's up," asked Monica. "So a few days ago I met with my uncle Daniel who had quite the story to tell me about how Alice and I are related," said Ariel accusingly. "Wow, Ummm certainly did not see that one coming," said Monica trapped. "Before you start thinking the worse, your father and I were going to tell you girls but it never felt like the right time" replied Monica defensively. "How could you and dad not tell us that Alice and I are blood-related not adopted like we always thought? said Ariel as tears started to fill her eyes but refused to let them fall. "Oh honey, I never wanted you to find out from someone else but I shouldn't be surprised that it did consider secrets never stay buried  — I'm thankful to Daniel for having the guts to tell me what you and dad obviously could not and before you ask no I have not told Alice about this and no I'm not going to, I think that's something you and dad should do together" finished Ariel as one of the tears ran down Ariel's porcelain face.

"You're right, we need to tell Alice the truth before she finds out from someone else like you did" agreed Monica as she assured her daughter that their father and her would come visit as soon as possible.

As Ariel hung up she felt her tears betray her as they started to roll down her face. Everything had become such a mess. How could one day change the course of so many lives around her including her best friend, the person who had been beside her since forever. Ariel knew the truth would come out sooner or later and when it did, all of their lives would change

Finding Pieces Of Myself Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon