Chapter Twenty-Three

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Over the past week, Stella dragged us all over Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, doing touristy things like visiting the Met, feeding the ducks at Central Park, or taking Instagram pictures in Times Square. Each experience was fun to do but my favourite part is when we visited the Statue of Liberty, and Stella let out the biggest burp while we were at the top. I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe for a minute. Ariel didn't laugh but looked like she wanted to

Later, when the girls returned home Stella was adamant about going clubbing tonight and since it was Stella's birthday Ariel and I couldn't say no. We decided to take Stella to Deception since I knew Ellis would be DJing tonight. "Tada," said Ariel as she removed Stella's blindfold. "This place is so cool" exclaimed Stella as she took in her surroundings. "How about a drink" suggested Alice. "Sure, I could use some liquid courage," said Stella as she made her way over to an empty booth and sat down. "Since Ariel is the designated driver for tonight she can only have non-alcoholic drinks," said Alice as she walked over to the bar. "Excuse me, can I please get one Shirley Temple non - alcoholic, one G&T and one Cosmo with extra cherries," said Alice as the bartender got to work making the drinks. The first night the girls came here together they set up a tab so they wouldn't have to pay all the time.

"Here you go, miss" smiled the bartender as Alice carried the drinks over to the booth where Ariel and Stella were just chatting away. "Here are your drinks ladies," as Alice started handing Stella her drink. Ariel just casually swiped the other drink while Alice was occupied. Alice sat down as the girls started to catch up on recent events in the past couple of months. It looks like Stella was offered a paid internship with Sally Dangerfield which was Stella's idol, inspiration, the reason for getting into the makeup, to begin with. Sally Dangerfield was everything Stella wanted to be. The internship was happening in Los Angeles and she would be staying with the other four artists that were chosen and they would be staying at LA's swankiest hotel.

An hour later Alice was on the dance floor while Ariel and Stella talked. Alice had no problems dancing alone, that way the spotlight was only on her. But one thing Alice liked more than dancing alone was making out with a hot girl on the dance floor

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