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"I'm back bit...ches." I heard. "Thalia, why is there a child staring at me?" Cara. I smiled.

I race down the stairs almost falling in the process. "Hey!" I engulfed her. "I missed you!" I hadn't seen her in a couple of months. She left one morning because her agent had gotten her a gig.

"Hey, yeah missed you too." She rushed to hug me back and then pushed me back a little. "Who is the child?" She pointed to Eleni who was looking right back at Cara.

"Oh, right. Cara, this is Eleni. Eleni this is Cara." Eleni moved closer to me hiding behind my leg. She stuck her hand out. "Uh, long story short. I adopted her, she is my daughter." Cara's eyes widened.

"Wow. Okay! I certainly did miss a lot." She said her accent still as thick as ever. I chuckled. Cara leaned down to her level "Hey, kid, how about you go get ready, me and your..." She looked up at me, "Thalia will take you out." Eleni lit up.

"Really?" She said cutely. Cara nodded poking her stomach. Eleni ran off. When she rounded the corner I looked back at Cara.

"W-what?" I asked her.

"A kid? A kid?!?!" She whispered yelled. "Are you fucking serious? Are you mental?" She stopped her pacing abruptly. "What happened to our hot girl summer? You're finally single and you do this to me? You have a kid?" I may have not mentioned Aurelia to Cara. The only other person who knew was Zasha.

"Yes, a kid. Yes, I am serious. I am not crazy, and I may have forgotten to tell you, I am seeing someone."

"OH! So it's to hell with me then." Cara said.

"Shut up."


"Eleni? Right?" Cara asked. I looked back to see Eleni nod her head not really paying attention to Cara with ice cream smeared everywhere. "Okay, okay, cool."

"You're being weird."

"Really? You know what's weird? You...and a kid?!?!" She whispered yelled.

"Yes. And a girl I'm seeing."

"Wow." She said in disbelief. "Anything else you would like to tell me?"

"Uh," Should I? "I talked to Valentina." Cara dropped her ice cream cone on the ground making Eleni look at her in fear.

"Thalia, look!" Eleni pointed out. I stifled a laugh.

"I know! Cara your ice cream!" I dramatically said.

"It's on the floor!" Eleni finished. Eleni got up quickly, I watched her grab napkins and run back still holding her ice cream in her hand. She handed me her kiddie-sized cup and cleaned up the mess before throwing the napkins in the trash. She came back taking her ice cream with a little dancy dance.

"That was cute, child, very cute." Eleni ignored her focusing on the desert in front of her. "So what happened? Tell me everything." So I did. I told her everything that happened. "So you told Aurelia?"

"Of course."

"Hey, are you still with Meena?"

"Yeah, we are just about done. Why miss me already?"

I sighed, "I always miss you."

"I always miss you too. You make me kinda happy."

"You make me happy, and Eleni, she loves you."

"I love her too...are you okay?"

"Eh...Define okay," I laughed.

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