Start from the beginning

A mournful silence settles between the sisters. Even the music of the pub sounds distant in their ears. "You love him," Reena breaks the moment, her voice so soft as if she couldn't believe the words that came out of her own mouth. "You really love him." And this time, there was a surety in her voice.

"What?" Aadhya blinks in a daze, orienting herself back to the present. And when she noticed Reena's stare. Her stillness sank in. Dread resounded within Aadhya like the striking of a gong. Her skin tightened and prickled. And Reena's words rang in her ears, this time even before she could open her mouth.

Aadhya's face turns hot and cold at once. "No!" shouted the younger girl, aghast, as though it's an awful thing one could have ever had the misfortune of listening. Because, of course not. Reena doesn't know what she's talking about.

Sure, Aadhya might've been enamored by what Rocky represented all those months back when he was nothing but a movie character. And she might've respected and admired him for a few things she had witnessed with her own two eyes during the past month. But that has nothing to do with love.

And really, what did Reena know anything about love, anyway. Love has always been an illusion. No one had any proof to show they were really in love. It always comes caught up in a wretched tangle of ifs and buts and maybes. Aadhya is sure her sister is just being plain ridiculous with all that alcohol running through her veins.

When Reena opens her mouth to say something, a loud yet familiar voice interrupts them from outside. She clicks her tongue in distaste, nostrils flaring at the sight of the blinding man in the vibrant red jacket. If she had some mystical power, Aadhya was sure Reena would've turned Rocky to dust with the ferocity of her glares.

He must've noticed because he turned around. A cocky smile broke out on his face at the sight of them. And if Aadhya's face was flushed, it was only because of the alcohol. It has nothing to do with how Reena's words regarding her non-existent feelings for Rocky suddenly rung in her ears incessantly.

To dispel any further thoughts, Aadhya asks the first thing that comes to her mind. "When did you come back?"

"Darling, if I knew you would've missed me so much, I would've never left in the first place," Rocky says, not at all minding the menacing stare Reena sends his way.

"I never said that," Aadhya retorts immediately, taking a quick glance at Reena's face. The situation had already turned into such a mess, and Aadhya didn't want to cement Reena's delusions about their relationship more than she already had. Why is it that every time she tries to do something, it always backfires in such a catastrophic manner?

How was she supposed to go back home if both the protagonists are always way in over their heads regarding matters of love that isn't even there? Can't they see they were both meant to be together? They are a destined couple, and she's just cannon fodder. A cannon fodder who screws things up beyond repair, apparently. But still, a cannon fodder nonetheless.

"You know what, never mind, go and dance with a girl or something," Aadhya shoos him away, hoping he would follow his original plan and leave them alone. For all she knows, Reena might be impressed with his moves, even if she might not get jealous.

Rocky feigns a hurtful expression at her words, his hands coming to rest upon his seemingly broken chest. "Darling, how can you say that to me?" He plops into the couch beside her, giving her no choice but to scoot closer to a fuming Reena in surprise. "Do I look like a man who dances and drinks with some other girl when the love of my life is just beside me?"

"How dare you?" Thankfully it was Reena who said that. Because all words have left Aadhya at Rocky's unexpected move. Did I screw up again? was the only question running in her mind rent-free. "Do you know who we are? Do you have any idea what our status is? You might've won my sister over by beating up four guys and sob stories, but you are not even worthy of standing in front of her, much less sitting beside her."

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