Teach me how to flirt, Nine.

Start from the beginning

He then realized there was handwriting at the back of the paper so he read it,

PS, it cost me a hundred bucks. You’re going to pay me, deal with it.“

A laugh rippled through him and he started the car. She was funny, that’s for sure.

Taking a glance at the watch, he huffed when it read eleven thirty. He couldn’t wait to reach his home, strip naked and sleep in the tub.

“Drop it one me, drop it on me” the cell’s ringing echoed around his silent car.

“Hello” he replied nonchalantly.

“Hey Zachariah, where are you?” Ella’s voice made him blink a couple of times.

“Hey Ella, I’m on my way home.”

“So you’re coming here, right?” she asked and he frowned thoughtfully. He did say home, didn’t he?

“No babe, I am going to my house.”

“Come one Zack, just drive to my place. I made you dinner and all. Plus, I stayed home today doing absolutely nothing and I’m bored.” He chuckled as he imagined her pouting.

“I can’t. Not today, I’m really tired and I need to sleep like a baby.” He pressed.

“Fine, I’ll come to your place then.” She replied stubbornly and hung up on him. His mouth gaped at the phone in his hand.

Ella ran to her room quickly to look for anything to wear. She knew she was totally pushing her limits with him, but she spent the whole day thinking about him and imagining what he’ll do when he tastes the lasagna she cooked. She wasn’t going to settle with a stupid ‘I won’t be coming’ phrase.

Grabbing a random shirt and a worn out jeans, she ran to the bathroom to change.

She never actually did this for Noah. She never even dared to wear the worn out jeans in front of him, he would completely flip. As soon as she was done with getting dressed and wrapping her hair into a high messy bun, she washed her face and dried it before finally grabbing her mobile and her secondary car keys even though it was still missing and then she entered the kitchen.

The lasagna plate looked delicious and she tasted a sample earlier and surprisingly found it mouth watering, but even though she wished she could indulge herself in the plate of hot lasagna, she preferred to wait for him.

She didn’t know how she’ll drive to his house, it was fifteen minutes away from her by car, on foot it would approximately take her an hour or something, so she slipped into her sneakers and then she got the foil covered plate from the oven.

She turned off the lights and left a note that she was at a friend’s house, just in case her parents decide to return today; and then she got out of the house.

When her eyes caught glimpse of him in the car, her jaw dropped to the ground for two reasons, first, he was waiting for her. Second, he looked extremely sexy with his hair disheveled and crazy in all directions.

Swallowing, she walked towards his car and stepped in.

“I didn’t know you’d pick me up.” She whispered as she smiled.

“I didn’t know you were that opinionated and stubborn. But babe, I ain’t complaining.” He tiredly whispered back before yawning and starting the car.

She felt sorry for him, but he looked so freaking attractive, especially those unbuttoned buttons of his chemise that revealed what she will be sniggling against when they sleep.

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