010; we made it exclusive

Start from the beginning

"This guy has just said when and where." He huffed, glancing up to the girl who had been watching him with a smile, "let's tell him to send his address and i'll be there in ten."

"We're not going to some guy's place."

"We're not, but he thinks we are and that's even funnier." Corbyn smiled, turning her phone off and handing it back to her as she frowned, "that James guy was nice on there, but we need to look like we are having a nice time."

"Are you not?" Rosemary smiled at him as he paused, "Ouch, Corbyn."

"Rosy," he rolled his eyes and shook his head, "I did not mean it like that. What are you having to drink?"

"I'll have a red wine," she replied while looking at the drinks menu, "a sweet rosé."

"How did you decide that quickly?"

"Because I like wine." Rosemary shrugged.

"But you also like champagne," he said.

"I didn't want that tonight." She slowly smiled, "I wanted a wine."

"Okay okay." He huffed, "I'll just have a Dr Pepper, I'll go with the steak for food."

"You're so basic." Rosemary joked as he frowned, "pick something different, expand your tastebuds."

"No." Corbyn argued, "I don't want anything else tonight, I want steak. This is like me telling you to expand your tastebuds and get iced water instead of wine."

"Are you feeling sensitive tonight?" She asked.

"No I'm just a little hurt that you tried to make me change what I wanted," he titled his head, "I am expressing my feelings, Rose."

"I'm sorry I upset you." Rosemary held his hand from across the table whilst a smile remained on her face, "You're more than welcome to get the steak, I am not stopping you."

"I'm the one paying anyway." He shrugged and smiled, "so sucks for you but I will be getting the steak."

"I think I'll get pasta." She glanced back to the menu, "with some garlic bread."

"Nah, expand your tastebuds." Corbyn shook his head, "you're so basic."

"Be quiet," she said through a laugh, "I'm getting the pasta and I'm going to enjoy it."

Corbyn responded with a laugh and a nod of approval, the waitress coming over to the table to take both of their orders before she had soon walked away again, leaving them alone.

Throughout the next 45 minutes to an hour, the pair spoke to one another about their days, which mainly focused on Corbyn's rant to Rosemary about the bad morning he had an how nothing went according to his plan.

After finishing their meal and behind handed the check, Corbyn grabbed his wallet as the girl glanced to the total, "do you want to split it?"

"You're funny," he mumbled, placing down his card and handing it back to the waitress to be paid for, "I don't want to split it."

"I'm paying for our Spanish dance classes." She offered as Corbyn rolled his eyes.

"We are not going to that Rosy."

"We are." She nodded, "I think it'll be fun."

"I don't know how to dance."

"I don't know how to Spanish dance." She said, "we can both learn, that's what the whole class is about."

"It'll be embarrassing." Corbyn argued, the check being placed back on their table as the boy thanked the waitress, grabbing his card from it, "we're not."

"It's a great date idea for the media." She said, grabbing her bag from beside her and standing up from the table, watching him do the same, "please. I'll pay for it as a thank you for coming."

"Okay, fine, we can go." He gave her a small smile.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Take my jacket," he offered, grabbing his jacket from his chair and moving over to Rosemary, putting the jacket over her shoulders as she put her arms through the sleeves and pulled her hair out from under it.

"Did you leave a tip?" She turned her head to him as he slowly shook his head, watching her sigh and reach inside her bag for her purse, "you should've."

"Did you like the service?"

"The service was excellent," she nodded, placing a twenty dollar bill on the table as Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows.

"Twenty?!" He looked at her, "Rose."

"Some waitresses are very underpaid." Rosemary argued, the pair beginning to make their way through the restaurant, "tips are very helpful for them so yes, they'll get twenty."

"Okay," he raised his eyebrows while letting out a small laugh, grabbing ahold of her hand as he pushed the door open for her as they left the restaurant.

And as predicted, Fletcher stood outside of the restaurant with his camera in his hand, immediately walking over to the pair as they both looked to him with a small smile.

"Corbyn what's up man," he spoke up, "who's with you tonight? Who'd you bring?"

"Oh, this is Rosemary." Corbyn told him as he gestured to the girl, "pretty sure I spoke about her last time we spoke."

"Hi." Rosemary spoke up with a smile, raising her hand into a small wave before Corbyn turned back to the cameraman.

"So are y'all out for dinner as friends or what?"

"Date night," he shrugged and laughed, "I took her out for some dinner."

"So uh, are y'all a couple or.. what's going on?" He asked as Corbyn put his arm around the girl's shoulder while pulling her towards him.

And as her arm went around his back while one of her hands rested on his torso, Corbyn glanced to her with a small smile before back at Fletcher, "we thought it was finally time we made it exclusive so.. she's been my girlfriend for about two months now."

"Ohhh nice nice." Fletcher nodded, "were any of the songs on the album inspired by her? I know some fans have been talking about that."

"There's one that's inspired by her, yes." Corbyn nodded, "but I won't say which one."

"That makes people think it's look at me." The girl spoke up through a small laugh, "it's not look at me."

"It's not look at me, no." He shook his head and laughed, "but there is one song on the album so I'll let people figure that out themselves."

"Nice, nice." Fletcher nodded, "well you two look like a lovely couple."

"Thanks man." Corbyn smiled, beginning to back away from the camera as Rosemary did the same, "we've gotta get going but it was nice talking."

"Nice talking to you too Corbyn."

"That was the quickest chat with Fletcher I've ever had," Corbyn said as he walked away from the scene, his arm still around Rosemary as they headed to his car, "usually Jonah keeps it going because he can ramble."

"Straight forward was the aim and you achieved it," Rosemary said, "at least people know that we've confirmed it now."

"True true, you're right." He nodded.


so so so they've confirmed it to the media hehe

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