Chapter 7 (SMUT WARNING)

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Dave and Jack sat down at an empty table booth near the back of the pepperonerie, the two complementary coloured men sat next to eachother, Dave put his head down on the table and let out a loud groan.

Jack cocked his head and asked the purple man beside him.

Dave just let out a garble of unintelligible words, Jack assumed the answer was yes. Jack stared at Dave and smiled, bringing a hand up and intertwining his fingers in Daves purple hair, running his fingers through the soft strands. Dave stiffened, he was trying to make it as discreet as possible but it was extremely obvious he was enjoying it. Jack let out a quiet laugh and took his hand out of Dave's hair, Dave looked at Jack and frowned. Dave sat up when he heard footsteps approaching the table, the pair of men looked towards Phone Guy who was walking towards the booth. Dave gave him a small wave and he waved back before sitting on the seat across from them, placing his hands on the table in sort of a pyramid shape.

"Sup phoney"
Dave greeted their boss with a yawn.

"Hello employees, are you doing alright Jack?"
Phoney Guy asked, a twinge of worry hinting in his voice.

Jack nodded, placing his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand. Phone guy let out a sigh, sounding relieved.

"I never got the whole story, do you mind uhh telling what happened?"
Phone guy questioned.

Jack nodded and told phone guy the series of events that had unfolded the day before, phone guy listened intently with great concern for the orange man's well-being.

"And you're sure you're alright, employee?"
Phone guy interrogated.

Jack nodded and stretched his arms out in front of him before placing them back down on the tabletop. At this point, the phone headed boss had begun talking with Dave. Jack remembered the way Dave reacted when he played with his hair, and was getting ideas. Jack carefully snaked one of his hands down to rest it on Dave's thigh, Watching the purple man become flushed as soon as he made contact. Dave whipped his head around to face Jack, who just smiled smugly, beginning to gently squeeze Dave's thigh.

"Are you alright, employee?"
Phone guy asked.

Dave turned back to phone guy

"Uh y-yeah- c-continue what you were s-saying"
Dave stuttered.

Phone guy nodded slowly, a deep confusion settling in his head, before continuing the conversation. Jack was still fondling the purple man under the table out of their bosses line of sight, watching as Dave became more and more unhinged as he moved his hand closer to his crotch area. Dave slipped and let out a groan before slapping his hand over his mouth, and standing up.

"E-employee- are you doing alri-"
Phone guy began but was cut off

"Yeah- i just uh, need to u-use the rest-restroom."
Dave said, quickly glancing at Jack before walking towards the restrooms. Jack stood up as well, a faint smile plastered across his face.

"Im going to see if he's alright."
Jack said, a fake pang of worry in his voice.

Phone guy nodded and stood up, walking to his office. Jack watched as the phone boss left, and walked towards the men's restroom to find Dave.

Upon entering the restroom, Jack saw Dave leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his face beet red. Jack giggled and walked over to Dave, standing in front of him and placing one of his hands on the wall next to Dave's head.

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