Family dinner

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2 weeks later
I heard coming from downstairs. It was Cameron
"I'M NOT GOING!" I shouted back.

Today was the day everyone in our town had a huge dinner party.
People from out of town would come to the dinner party and people who were looking to buy a house in the area.
It was basically just to show off our town to others and meet new people.

I hated it!
It was so boring and I didn't even like the food.
The only people who enjoyed it were rich people and adults!

I just continued to keep lying down on my bed.
My hair was curled and I was wearing some itchy floral pink dress.
I hated it.

"I DON'T CARE" I shouted back.
But I did slightly care.
I didn't know what happened when it got past three.

I didn't move, and I wasn't going to!


I stayed lying in my bed.
Then I heard Cameron coming up the stairs.

"Get up now Sailor!"
"I'm not going, it's boring!" I shouted at him.

He grabbed me off my bed and carried me out to the car all while I was kicking and screaming.


He then strapped me into my car seat.
Now I really had to go.

Everyone was wearing their suits they had once wore at the funeral, including Ace.

I didn't understand why I had to go?
Only adults had fun! And the food was disgusting, I always just wanted chicken nuggets but they only ever had fancy foods like salmon, soup, squid, steak ECT.

Cameron knew a lot of people that go to these types of parties as Cameron works for the city.

"When we get there don't embarrass me! I know a lot of people that will be here, and some very important people will be here, some that could give me a job promotion so that means no phone at the dinner table Levi, no tantrums Sailor and no smoking Ace! At least not inside."

"What! No phone? I am sure your coworkers won't care if I am on my phone! And if they do, it's not like their going to shoot me!"
"It doesn't matter, it looks rude, do you want our whole neighbourhood and more to think we are rude people? I didn't think so, now give me your phone!"
"This is so stupid!"  Levi mumbled handing him his phone.

Once we arrived there, someone inside the restaurant was standing at a small stand.
"Name?" She asked.
"Cameron Smith!"
"Right this way please!" She said guiding us to our table.

Once we all sat down a tall man came over to our table also dressed in a suit.
It was one of Cameron's coworkers.
The shook hands and started to talk.
Twenty minutes went by and they were still talking.
I was starving and just wanted to order already.

It was 6:30 and I usually went to bed at 7:00!
I put my head down on the table, tired and hungry.

"Sailor get up!" Austin whispered harshly.

I put my head back up slouched back in my seat and crossed my arms.
My dress was so itchy and being hungry and tired at the same time wasn't helping.

I glanced over at Ace who was laughing at me.
"It's okay, I don't want to be here either!" He whispered.

"Can you take me and you home? You can drive?" I asked sitting up straight hoping he would say yes.
"Sorry I can't, we have to be here for Cameron."
I sighed in disappointment and flopped back down into my seat.

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