The bad news

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"Well what is the bad news?" Asked Austin.
"All of you sit down first"
We all sat down on the sofa anxiously waiting for what he was about to say.

"Does the name Ace ring any bells?" Asked Cameron.
"I feel like I heard that name before..." answered Austin.
"Yeah well we have a cousin Ace.."

My face lit up.
How could this be bad news?
I wonder if she is a girl?
Please can she be a girl.

"Are they a girl?" I asked hopefully.
"No, their a boy and he just turned 17"

"Uh, hate to be rude or anything but how is this bad news?" asked Levi
"Yeah this sounds like good news?" Hayden added.
"Have we met him before?" Asked Austin.
"Yes, I did just once since they live quite far away you did too Austin and Hayden I don't know if you remember you were probably only nine or ten?"
"If he is our cousin does that mean I have an Auntie?" I asked excitedly.
I always wanted an auntie to do fun stuff with!

"Yeah that's where the bad news comes in..."
"She passed away only a few days ago, and well now has Ace has no one, so I said he could live with us for awhile!"
"What! Do we have room?" Asked Austin.
"Yeah the guest bedroom"
"Why us?" Asked Levi
"We are the only bit of family he has left and besides we know how it feels to loose a mother and we could help him, and besides he isn't living with us forever just for awhile!"
"We are going to pick him up after the funeral which means we need to go, so I was thinking we should go out and buy new clothes for the funeral."
"When is the funeral?" Asked Levi
"What about school?" I asked
"You can have a day off I will email the school."
"Was Ace at our mothers funeral?" Asked Levi.
"I don't know but he is a cousin from our dads side. But I think we should go shopping for clothes now, since it's tomorrow "

We drove to a near by formal clothes shop.
Cameron said we needed to get black clothes and that's what you wear at funerals.
He said it's because it's a sad day so you wear black.
I didn't understand because I always thought blue was a sadder colour then black.

When we walked in they had suites fancy dresses in all different sizes and colours.
I immediately ran to a frilly pink dress.
"Can I get this one Cameron?"
"Remember we need to get black clothes!"
I looked at the dress and then back at Cameron.

"Do you have any black dresses for five year olds?"
"Our kids section should be over here!" Said the man while guiding us to the kids section.
"Thank you! Sailor try find a black dress, it has to be black!"
I looked around at all the beautiful dresses.
I wished we were here for a pink one!

"Found one, let's try this one on you!"

We went into the small changing rooms.

As I got changed into the dress Cameron asked, "Sorry Sailor I forgot to ask you, how was your first day?"
"It was fun! We learnt our colours which I already knew and we learnt our numbers and I can count to twenty! I also found out after ten when your counting the next number is eleven not eleven-teen!"
He laughed
"well done! It sounds like you had fun! Sorry you can't go tomorrow!" He said now zipping up the back of my dress.
"That's okay!"

He faced me to the mirror.
"You look beautiful!"
I smiled.
It was a black satin dress that had a black flower at the side of the dress.
It was nice, only if the occasion was too.

Soon the rest were ready.
They got suits that were black.

Cameron bought his and Levi's suit and my dress while Austin and Hayden bought their own.

We were ready.

Just a reminder that I updated the very first chapter characters, I added some pictures to show the characters a bit better! I hope it helps!

We are nearly at 1k reads omg! Tysm! 🤍

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