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Zhan mulled over the situation in his mind all night, then finally decided that in order to catch the thief, he first had to capture the king. He left the room early in the morning and headed downstairs to the hotel lobby to keep watch.

Their director was the same one who was involved in the shoot in Taiwan, and he was immediately blocked by Zhan. At that time, he could not help but use his awkward Chinese to make a joke, “Sorry, I don’t accept the unspoken rules1.”

Looking at him boldly, Zhan cut straight to the point, “Director, wait a minute. For Yibo’s shoot, can I…”

“Can’t,” the director rebuffed, “I’m sorry, even you can’t sit on the sidelines.”

“I’m not going to sit on the sidelines,” Zhan quickly explained, “I’m going to lend a hand…”

“There have been so many people volunteering to help Yibo recently. Some of them are even willing to pay for it. If we…” the director frowned and his face showed a puzzled expression, “I don’t understand how that boy has so much charm.”

…Yeah, I don’t know either. Zhan gnashed his teeth in frustration, then continued his efforts to lobby the director, “But director, I’m not like those people.”

“What’s the difference?” The director asked, perfunctorily, and entered the elevator that had just arrived. Zhan quickly followed him and displayed a flattering smile.

“I’m the only one on the cover of the film. No one else can claim that.”

At that time, the director finally looked at him with mild interest, rubbed his smooth chin, and said,”Go on then.”

As soon as Zhan stepped into the room, he immediately saw Yibo in there, wearing only a bathrobe.

Although everyone in the background was very busy, he merely sat on the bed like an arrogant idler. He was still bleary-eyed as he bit into a sandwich. In the end it was not clear if he had actually woken up.

Nevertheless, Zhan actually found his somewhat foolish behaviour quite cute. It was possible that there was no cure for his sickness.

“Hey, give me a bite,” demanded Zhan as he leaned over and squeezed in beside Yibo.

Yibo stared at him for two seconds before he said, “You’ve got the wrong shooting time.”

“Do I? What are you doing here?” Zhan gave a frustrated snort, then vented his anger by aggressively biting Yibo’s sandwich.

At this point, Yibo’s face gave the game away, clearly showing that he had a guilty conscience. Zhan took advantage of that to pursue and attack, and asked him, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“…I forgot,” Yibo answered lightly. Zhan was so angered by this answer that his teeth were itching, and then he had to listen as Yibo continued, “Anyways, this is nothing.”

This time, Zhan felt like he wanted to throttle the other man for a moment.

Yibo was aware that Zhan was unhappy based on his silence, but he was a rookie at love and could not bring himself to spout any false platitudes. He shoved the sandwich into Zhan’s mouth like it was a plug and made Zhan appear ridiculous. Finally, pretending to be evil, he said, “You wait for I, your father.”

Yibo was fond of seeing that frustrated look on Zhan’s face, and put on an expression that implied that there was nothing to be done. A quick look at the corners of his mouth would reveal that he was fighting to hold back a smile.

He reached out his hand to pull over Zhan’s chin for a kiss, but was caught before he could accomplish it.

“What kind of ring are you wearing? Tsundere2,” Zhan carefully looked at the stylish men’s ring on Yibo’s left index finger, asking the question despite the food in his mouth.

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