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Zhan understood very well that he was now in a terrible state.

He was trapped in an infinite cycle that went roughly like this: he realizes that Yibo is good to him → has a guilty conscience about it → looks for an opportunity to make clear his true feelings → decides that he will properly explain it next time, because he cannot bring himself to speak → then, again, realizes that Yibo is good to him.

If the number of times he went through the cycle was engraved on the wall, he would need to find a building the size of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall to contain it all.

For many reasons, he had been unable to stop the cycle.

Zhan fully admitted to himself that he was a fucking coward. While he was in the midst of that period of burying his head in the sand like an ostrich, he received a phone call from Ah Li.

The other party was quite straightforward when he said he was dumped and needed to drink. Zhan thought for a moment and felt that he also needed alcohol induced numbness, so the two whose thoughts were together from the first beat immediately met at the bar.

"Ah-Yi1, over here."

When he walked into the bar, Zhan did not look around carefully since he immediately saw the man waving him over.

He did not know if it was due to the dim lighting in the bar, but Ah Li's face appeared a bit wan and sallow, even though in general he looked okay. He did not sound too bad when they spoke on the phone, but at that time he was still a little listless.

"Cheer up," Zhan encouraged as he patted him on the shoulder from across the table.

Ah Li only showed a reluctant smile and did not say anything more.

The waiter showed up at that moment with the happy hour drink list, but the two men did not even take a look. With getting wasted as their aim, they ordered every cocktail from beginning to end and began to binge.

After waiting until the two people were each three to four points intoxicated, Ah Li finally asked, "Did you receive a copy of the film?"

When Zhan thought about it, he knew that Ah Li must be referring to the DVD copy of their GV that was sent as a keepsake for their role. He had only glanced at it when he received it, barely registering the cover, before he stuffed it into the cupboard.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"My girlfriend saw the film," he answered with a wry smile, "Actually, I should call her my ex-girlfriend, I guess. She broke up with me immediately and shared the film with all of my friends. I don't dare to contact my friends now."

Zhan did not know how to comfort Ah Li, so he chose to remain silent.

He had also suffered the loss of his friends, and he could not completely handle it. He suspected that perhaps it was because of the lack of a friend's relationship that he had grown dependent on Yibo-like he was grasping at straws.

They continued to down their drinks, one after another. Zhan listened quietly as Ah Li poured out his bitter sufferings, allowing him to vent his feelings. He listened to him curse his ex-girlfriend for being cruel and unscrupulous2, and his friends for being selfish and uncaring.

"Cheer up, it's not your fault," Zhan said in an attempt to comfort Ah Li.

Ah Li poured himself another drink, and then said quietly, "That's right, I have not thanked you."

Zhan was unsure what Ah Li was referring to, so he continued to listen as Ah Li spoke up quickly, "After the shoot, I learned that the pills were a Group B medication. At that time, if you hadn't lied and played that trick on me, I would never have been able to complete the scene."

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